Seaking's Femfight Index Update Archives (2018 - 2020)


- DECEMBER 2020 -

     The LAST update of the year, and what a year it has been. Rough on many, tough on many more. I do hope this update finds you in great in spirit and in great health. The year is just about over and I do honestly hope that the next year will be so much better than what we've been through from one thing to another, locally and globally...

     Now for the fun stuff. We have a lot of great content to share with you from the producers from around the world of Female Fighting! It's been a tough year on many but somehow they manage to come through with either new content in a safe manner or by combining older content into compilation videos. Please show your support by visiting their sites and see what might interest you from their collections of female combat line up!

      PHOTOS: We kick off the last update with the latest offerings from the contributing producers starting off with Waldo's Merlin's Kingdom bringing you great stories in 3D Graphics format with his weekly updates of fresh stories wit a wide variety of themes and genres. Up next, from their video vaults is Ladyfist with screen caps from their LF230 video featuring Ema vs Maia. With leather gloves and canvas mats of the squared circle, the ladies of Hit The Mat Wrestling pull no punches in their battles. Nipples get crushed when the women of F-F-Fights go at each other for the win, while over at FemFights, the women literally rip the clothes off their back and of their opponents' to earn victory! Over at Female Fight Club, bruises and blood indicate the viciousness of the battles as the ladies go into bare fisted fights. At Defeated Sexfight, it's competitive trib fights mixed in with huge boobs tit fights as these women have no mercy for their opponents! Over at Defeated XXX, there can be only one winner as the men and women fight it out on the mats and in the ring. Check out the latest from south of the border when the women fight it out for victory at CLFEM. Last but never least, check out what Catfight Connection has to offer as the women go for broke in their big battles.

     STORIES: We again have a nice selection of fight stories for you from your favourite authors who have been entertaining you this year with outstanding stories. Check out the latest from Aristocatch, Joebur68, Azekeial, JS2007 and Wolfboy. Be sure to send them some feedback and comments as this always helps them with coming up with new stories.

     So folks, there you have it, the last update for 2020! after 28(?) years of service to the femfighting community, I wish you all a Happy New Year! Be safe out there and Keep Safe! We'll see you next year with our first update of 2021.



- NOVEMBER 2020 -

     Better late than never! The November update is finally here! This week we once again bring you the latest and greatest from your favourite producers from around the world of female fighting entertainment. Let's not waste time and get right to the action!

     PHOTOS: We start off with Merlin's Kingdom where Waldo continues to showcase his 3D Cyber artwork feauturing a stunning group of rough and hard hitting fighters in various scenarios, you'll be able to find years and years of content on this website including content from the original artist, Merlin. Up next are select photos from Ladyfist's members photo collection. Check out the latest from Kark Monster Production while the gorgeous ladies of Hit The Mat Wrestling trade leather in the ring in hard hitting boxing action. New to our pages is the Geeky and Kinky fight site. The fighting felines of F.F. Fights tangle for victory while the gals at Femfight rip into it as well. All kinds of sexy fight action between the fems and males await you at Defeated XXX. Sexual dominance is the key to victory at Defeated Sexfight. And finally but not least this week, are the gals and guys at CLFEM battling it out in the sqared arena and on the mats.

     STORIES: We welcome the return of your favourite writers this week such as Aristocatch, Azekeial (2 Stories), Wolfboy (2 Stories), MikeMassy (2 Stories), Tom Ace, JS2007, TJ (2 Stories), Joebur68 and Karl Butters. Be sure to drop them a line with your comments and feedback where applicable.

     We'll be back in a few weeks with December's update (on time) so stay tuned for the latest and greatest in everything femfighting!

Stay safe everyone!



- OCTOBER 2020 -

     Welcome back to another update! This month we have for you an exciting assortment of photos, vid caps and images from the various femfighting websites from around the world, all submitted by their creative producers! Let's check them out first with the:

     PHOTOS GALLERY: We'll kick things off with the wonderful 3D GFX artwork by Waldo from Merlin's Kingdom, a long running website being updated each and every week. Next up are photosets from Ladyfist, though they are not currently producing new content, their videos have stood the test of time. Looking for a leather smacking good time? Go no further than Hit The Mat Wrestling as their gals and guys like to trade smacks in the squared circle. For more sexually charged fighting action, be sure to check out Defeated Sexfight. The sister site Defeated XXX offers a bit of the same action but 'different' as well. Up next are the rough and tumble ladies from CLFEM as they battle it out in the squared circle. And finally but not least, the women of Catfight Connection are here to be reckoned with! Be sure to check out these producer websites as they have more to offer there than you will see here..

     STORIES SECTION:We also present the latest literature work from your favourite authors that you have enjoyed for so many years such as Aristocatch, Azekeial, MikeMassy, Goldzilla, TJ, JS2007, Joebur68, Tom Ace, Dark Cloud and Diane. Be sure to check out their stories and many - many and many more stories found in our large collection of fight stories (this library is massive!) that will surely keep you entertained this winter should we all end up in another lock down due to the Pandemic's ugly rage.

     With that said, I do hope that this update finds you and yours in good health and that you are doing all you can to help stop the spread of the Corona Virus.

     Stay safe, wash your hands often and please do wear a mask!

- SEPTEMBER 2020 -

     It's that time again! Another great update from the wonderful world wide scene of femfighting at it's best. Even during these trying times we need to find something to escape reality and get a little entertainment to get ourselves squared away, and what better way than to check out what the producers out there have to offer us. Get ready for some great pics and stories for your entertainment.

     PHOTO GALLERY: This week's update features a lot of new photos submitted by your favourite producers from around the world. You are invited to check out their websites to see what they have to offer and hopefully join one of their sites to see what else they have to offer. So without further adieu, lets see what they have to tease us with! We start with xxxDEFEATEDxxx where you'll be impressed with this one lady's ability to subdue and dominate her male opponent! Sexfight Dreams are up next with the beautiful women battling it out. From the 3D CyberFight world, Waldo is back with more Merlin's Kingdom fun and mayhem as the digital gals get away with more brutal carnage. A blast from the past and still open, are pics from the LadyFist Members area featuring all kinds of action including hair pulling and back breaking action! From sunny Italy are the gorgeous women at Italian Female Wrestling as they battle it out in mixed and outdoor action. The leather gloves go flying over at Hit The Mat Wrestling. The gals take no duff from the guys or each other, for that matter! Check out the latest from GirlsWrestle as they take it to the mats and the outdoors. Best Breast action as the tall girls abuse their smaller opponents over at F-F-Fights. Over at Femfights, the clothes go flying and a rippin as the girls rip into each other for some fun fight action. Next we find those gorgeous fighting women at Fetish Fights get into all kinds of trouble, they put a lot of effort in their fighting scenes! Up next is Female Fight Club as they trade bare knuckles and bruises to settle their score! Defeated Sexfight goes a step beyond sex fighting as the loser gets the big one and more. But over at Defeated, the action is intense and more likely to lead to someone being put to sleep and humiliate. And finally but never least, the buxom ladies of Catfight Connection go at it, breast to breast, pussy to pussy to see who will dominate whom... it's a wild contest with wild consequence!

     Check out these producers' websites, I am sure you will find something that will appeal to your liking, and help support our fetish if you can.


     STORIES: This week we have a lot of new stories from Aristocatch, Azekeial, TJ, MikeMassy, Goldzilla, Joebur68, JS2007 and Tom Ace. You will also find literally thousands of stories from various authors from the past years. There is enough there to fill your time!


And there you have it.. We'll be back in October with yet another update to help you stay entertained. 2020 has been one hell of a weird year and we're not done yet.. Hang in there folks..



- AUGUST 2020 -

     Welcome back to yet another great update from around the world of female combat sports... and more! We have a lot of new content to show you which has been provided by the various producers from around the world and locations near you! Let's jump right into it, shall we?

     In our PHOTOS GALLERY we kick things off with the lovely ladies from Rumble Matreshka, dressed in full swimsuit attire, they take turns at each other to see who will emerge as the champion. From the world of 3D Cyber Art, Waldo is back with Merlin's Kingdom, showcasing a wide selection of samples from recent commissioned stories to wild flights / fights of fantasies suggested by the members and fans. There's certainly something there for everyone to enjoy! Up next, Ladyfist is back with to show off some of their fan favourite fight videos of fantasy wrestling, catfights and general mayhem from years past. Hit The Mat Wrestling is back with us this week with another collection of leather swapping, bitch slapping chaos in the ring where the women and men aren't shy with each other in the ring and beyond. From F-F-Fights we have another collection of petite ladies taking on their taller opponents and paying the ultimate price. Someday, they will learn but hopefully not soon ;) And from Femfights, we have the gorgeous ladies tangling it up, ripping clothes and hair to try and dominate the other for victory! For something different and delectable, check out the latest from Defeated Sexfight where the sexually charge women us every parts of their bodies to achieve victory in their battles! And from Defeated XXX, we have more traditional but still sexually charge mat fights using some dirty tactics against each other. Coming back again from south of the border where it's warmer than up here, the ladies from CLFEM are back with various ring action matches and other fights. Gotta love them! And finally, but never least, we have Catfight Connection bringing us their latest with the powerful and dominating ladies showing us what they have themselves have to offer in the fighting world.

     In our STORIES section, I would like to thank all the authors who have submitted their wonderful stories to share with the literary fight fans. I know it does take talent to put from imagination to paper these stories so fans, if you do enjoy their stories, and the authors have provided their email addresses on their pages, please DO send them some encouragement and / or feedback as this really does help them become more creative and may help them write more of the stories that you particularly enjoy the most! We're in this together, so let's help them out. Check out the latest stories from your favourite authors such as Azekeial, MikeMassy, TJ, Goldzilla, Joebur68 and JS2007.

     Thanks again for visiting our pages and please do stay safe out there. Save a life, wear a mask, it might be your own!




- JULY 2020 -

     It's the end of another tumultuous month and we're in need of some form of distraction. Here's something that would hopefully allow us to escape the reality of the world we find ourselves in for a few moments.

     From around the world of female fighting sports, we bring you the latest from your favourite producers and artists. Some producers have been able to safely get back to production work while others are reworking some of their older production works to bring you new unseen content. Check out the latest in our Photo Gallery to see what they've brought for us this month! For those who also enjoy reading about their female fighting, check out the latest offerings from your favourite authors in the Fight Story section where you will find literally thousands of stories from the latest new authors to years and years of stories. You'll surely find something that will make you smile.

     I wish everyone a safe journey through these difficult times and to keep safe. Wear a mask, its the least that you can do for yourself AND for your fellow man woman and child. We'll see you next month with more excitement from around the world of female combative sports!



- JUNE 2020 -

Happy Canada Day and The 4th Of July week!

     We're back with another update of your favourite femfighting pics and stories. During these trying times around the world, it's great to be able to kick back and get your mind onto something else to take a break from it all before the reality of what's happening around us comes back and hits our lives.. So let's jump right into it with the latest and greatest from the kind producers who submitted all of this content each and every month.

     PHOTOS: The producers have submitted their latest and greatest samplers from their gyms, rings and where ever it is that the ladies find ideal to scrap it out and make a mess of each other in order to determine which is the best at fighting... sometimes it's pretty, sometimes it's rougher than hell... most times there is a winner declared. But be sure to checkout the latest of what is offered, check out their websites, help support our fun world of entertainment. They will soon be back to producing new content (hopefully) in a safe environment for all.

     STORIES: This week we have a great selection of stories from your favourite authors and a few new authors as well.. Be sure to send them some comments on what you thought of their stories as this always helps them improve their writing skills and help them create more of the great stories that you so much enjoy! Don't be a sponge, be part of the fun!

    To all my friends out there in the community, Be Safe, Stay Safe, wear a mask and wash your hands... this virus is no joke and we must do all we can to keep ourselves and others safe so that we can emerge on the other side of this better than we were going into it.. Tough times are still ahead but we can do it with common sense and compassion.



- MAY 2020 -

     Welcome to another update to your wonderful world of Female Combat Fun and Mayhem! This week we bring you the best samplers from around the world provided by some of the best fight video producers that we so much enjoy. You'll also find that your favourite authors have been busy with new stories for your entertainment.

     Be sure to visit their websites and see what they have new to offer and help support the industry in these trying time.. We all need a break from current events once in a while.

With that said, Be Safe out there, this is going to be along year...




- APRIL 2020 -

     We're still mostly all under lock down with the virus crisis and I do hope that everyone is doing their part and staying safe.. But hopefully this will all work out and life might get back to normal in some part soon enough... Fingers Crossed!

     To help stave off the cabin fever, we're back once again with another update featuring pics and stories from your favourite producers and writers from around the world of Female Combat Sports (and more)..

     PHOTOS: Check out the latest from the producers who submitted content of their fight videos, photos and such. Great fighting ladies ripping and tearing into each other in order to see who will reign supreme in battle either in the ring, on the mats or any room in the house! We kick things off with those beautiful ladies of Russian at Rumble Matrshka with some intense ring action. Up next, the pixel ladies from Merlin's Kingdom put it in on the digital line with all kinds of painful holds and more! Over at Lynxs Fights, the ladies swing for the fences in intense action. A blast from the past comes Ladyfist with some screen caps of their video fights of amateur fighting ladies in various fighting scenes. The men and women at Hit The Mat Wrestling are all about trading leather and punishing the deserving in the ring. Tall girls vs shorter ladies are featured once again at F-F-Fights while once again the clothes go flying at Femme Fight as these gorgeous women go all out. Sex battles are up next at Defeated Sexfights where men and women literally lay it all out in combat. Pain and suffering await the contenders over at Defeated XXX this week, while the ladies south of the border do ring work at CLFEM. And finally but not least, the mature ladies at Catfight Connection establish their dominance in singles combat for all to enjoy!

     Check out these latest offerings from these producers and check out their websites for more content to keep you well entertained!

     STORIES: With so many of us locked down, it's the perfect time to get some reading done. Your favourite authors have been hard at work bringing you their latest literary works for you to enjoy. Check out the latest stories from returning authors Aristocatch, Joebur68, MikeMassy, JS2007, Azekeial, CatRolePlaya, Diane and a new author, Capo. If these authors have left their email address on their story pages, please do drop them a line and let them know if you enjoyed their stories. Feedback is important for them as it does help them develop new stories for you to enjoy.

     Well, there you have it, folks. One more update, one more month of lock down behind us. We'll be back with another update next month and hopefully, things will be better around the world for all of us.

Be safe, and be kind to one another, together we'll get through this. And remember, cheat only when the ref ain't looking!




- MARCH 2020 -

     What strange and scary times we live in now... with the Covid-19 virus raging throughout the world, we find ourself taking steps to protect ourselves with social distancing and vigorous hand washing. This is not only to protect ourselves but to protect others in case we ourselves become asymptomatic carriers. Hopefully everyone is playing their part and being smart about this. Stay safe, and be kind to each other!

     This month's update comes in time to hopefully help you to be kept occupied with some of your favourite content from around the world of female combat sports!

PHOTOS: We kick things off in the pics gallery with the Sexy Fight Dreams girls as they battle it out indoors and outdoors. Next, the Russian Women Wrestling gals get very slippery and wet in their matches! From pillar to post, the Russian gals are at it again at Rumble Matreshka in exciting ring match action. Waldo is back again with more of his 3D GFX art work from Merlin's Kingdom. Check out the latest hard hitting and kicking action from LynxFight. The Italian Female Wrestling women are hard at it on the mats, and on each other! At HTM Wrestling, it's the size inequality that rules the days for one unlucky lady! GirlsWrestle is back with more action pics, while Fight Pulse ladies and gents get down and rough on the mats again. Over at Fetish Fights, it's a hot mess of a battle for the gorgeous ladies. Trading blow for blow at Female Fight Club, the ladies will not back down till one goes down! It's rude fight time at DefeatedXXX again for these ladies who love to get down and dirty to win any fight. And at Defeated Sexfight, they don't hold back either! Then we have the ladies at Defeated (so many yet so different..) the ladies not only battle each other but masked fighters and male opponent with dire results! And from the south of the border where it's much warmer than up here in the Great White North (spring is supposed to be here by now, no?!) the ladies of CLFEM battle it out in the squared circle. And finally but never least, the buxom ladies of Catfight Connection grind it out to see who will emerge victorious!

     Check out these great websites to see what they have to offer, you're sure to find something that will appeal to your tastes in female combat sports action!

STORIES: This week we have some great stories for you from your favourite authors and two new authors making their debuts this week. We welcome you to check out the latest from MikeMassy, JS2007, JoeBur68, and new authors Azekeial and David H M. You can find these new stories and countless others in one of the biggest repositories online. I do hope that you enjoy the effort that these folks have into their literary works.


- FEBRUARY 2020 -

     And we're back with another update, albeit a late one thanks to MicroSoft's latest Windows update that basically blows up any X99 motherboard. Asus had to scramble to get a new BIOS update out in the aftermath so we're back up and ready with this update.. My apologies for the two delays in a row.. when it rains... it pours!

PHOTOS: This week we bring you the latest and greatest from some of your favourite femfighting producers from around the world. We kick things off with the beautiful ladies of Russian at Russian Women Wrestling as things get wet and slippery in an intense topless ring match! Up next are the ladies from Rumble Matreshka as these Russian ladies grind it out in the squared circle. Back with more 3D CyberArt is Merlin's Kingdom. Tough women and helpless men are featured next at KO Entertainment. More 3D CyberArt is up next with The FWWL For those loving the fighters in tall boots, F-F-Fights is showcasing fierce fighting. Femme Fight is back with another intense strip down catfights! From down south of the border where it's much warmer than here, the CLFEM women battle it out in the ring! And finally but never least, the busty women from Catfight Connection do battle.

STORIES: We have more stories for you this week from your favourite writers such as Aristocatch, MikeMassy, TS2007, Joebur68, Wolfboy, WS2003 and Andrew Scott. You'll be able to find all of these great stories and thousands more in our immensely huge story collection!

    There you have it, this month's update. I do hope that you'll enjoy the great work from the featured contributors and be sure to check out their websites.

    Until next time (on time hopefully), fight fair when the ref is looking!



- JANUARY 2020 -

     Welcome to to the new year! We're going to have ourselves another banner year at SKFF with all new content of preview pics, photosets and fight stories from your favourite producers and authors from around the world.

     I have to keep this pre-amble much shorter than previous months as I just got out of hospital (2 week stay for a broken femur) and I don't trust my writing skills while under the happy fuzzy embrace of some really good pain meds. So please enjoy the many great photos from your fave video producers and the great stories from these fine talented authors.

     What a way to start the year, right?! It can ONLY go uphill from here... ;)

Cheers and Happy New Year 2020 to one and all..


25 DECEMBER 2019

     My apologies for being very late with the LAST update for 2019. Just as I was working on this update during the holidays, my computer decided to go on strike and not reboot.. sigh. Such bad timing! After much delay, my computer is back and the latest / greatest update is now ready! So though today is actually the 7th of January 2020, consider this the update for last month! Many thanks for your patience and understanding.

     Happy Holidays to all, here we are with the last update for the year 2019! What a great year of sampler pics and video previews from all over the world of female combat sports! We're going to dive into the fray with some rather interesting samplers!

     PHOTOS: We start things off with xxxDEFEATEDxxx where the women rule and own their male opponents in one hell of a sex fight beatdown! Then we slide over to Russia where the MMA girls of the Wrestling Castle tangle up for combat! Powerful thighs are at work for the ladies at Sexy Fight Dreams. Sexy topless cat masked ring action is up next with the gals at Russian Women Wrestling. Again in the squared circle, the Russian women from Wrestling Matreshka are back again for more intense action. Waldo return with his latest in 3D CyberArt of female combat action at Merlin's Kingdom. Next, the beautiful women of Italian Female Wrestling engage in intense fighting. The boxing gloves are out at Hit The Mat Wrestling as the pretty blonde suffers belly punches from her male opponent. Spicy Wrestling Tales are here to display their 3D CyberArt fight images, check out their link for spicy stories and more! Over at Fight Pulse the ladies show the men who is boss (take a guess!). Trading shot for shot, the nude fighters at Female Fight Club taste leather! DefeatedXXX is back again with a beautiful sampling of what their fighters can do when they get mad! Meanwhile, over at Defeated Sexfights, it's slippery when wet as the women get oiled up for fighting! Check out the latest from down south of the border where it's a lot warmer than up here as the ladies battle it out in the squared circle. And finally, the beautiful ladies of Catfight Connection go breast to breast in combat competition. Check out the links of these contributing fight sites to see what appeals to you the most, you migt be surprised as to what you will find!

     STORIES: We have for you this week one hell of a collection of fight stories from your favourite authors and a number of new authors that you should check out. As always, don't forget to send them feedback (if they have left their email addresses on their pages) as they would lover to hear back from you about their stories. Your responses always helps them hone their skills and be able to offer you more stories. Many thanks to all the authors for your contributions this past year!

     And there you have it.. better late than never! We will be back again with the first update of 2020 at the end of this month of January!


25 NOVEMBER 2019

     We're back with yet another great update from around the world of female combat sports! This week, we bring you the latest and greatest samplers of F vs F and F vs M action in and out of the ring, and a good selection of new femfighting stories for your entertainment pleasure.

     PHOTOS: We kick things off with the Russian ladies at the Wrestling Castle as they engage in a thrown boxing match in the ringed circle. Still from Russian, the topless ladies trade leather in another boxing match over at Russian Women Wrestling. Not to be outdone, the ladies at Rumble Matreshka wrestle it out in the ring. Waldo is back with more of his great stories and artwork at Merlin's Kingdom. Over at Fight Pulse, the ladies and men go all out in mat combat. Tall boots and petite victims are the order of the day over at F-F-Fights, while over at FemFight, it's clothes ripping time as the ladies face off against each other. Check out the latest from Female Wrestling Channel. Punches are traded at Female Fight Club this week. It's a down and dirty domination battle for the ladies at Defeated Sexfight, while over at Defeated XXX, it's lights out and beat downs for their combatants! And finally, but not least, the gals from down south of the borders are in full wrestling combat inside the squared circle.

     STORIES: We have a great selection of femfighting stories available to you from your favourite writers such as; Mike Massy, Joebur68, Starr247742, Karl Butters, Mr Chain, Aristocatch, Scissorman and Rival's Rapture. You find their stories and literally thousands more stories in our library.

      I hope that you enjoyed this update, and please do support your favourite femfighting producers. Send them your feedback as this always helps in letting them know what you, the fans, want to see next.

      Until next time, we'll see you again in December with this year's last update before the New Year (wow, time flies when you're having fun =)



27 OCTOBER 2019

     Welcome back to yet another great update from around the world of female combat sports and more ;) I do have to keep this one short and sweet but check out the latest in the PHOTO GALLERY as there as some really awesome samplers available from your favourite producers, and we also have new stories from your favourite authors and a new writer this month in the STORIES SECTION.

     Please do check out the latest and greatest from around the world!

Until next time, Cheers!




     A bit late with September's update! Sometimes sh*t gets in the way of what we like to do.. we have another great update waiting for you so let's get right to it!

     PHOTOS: Submitted by the femfight producers from around the world, we have for you some of the best teaser pics going. We kick things off with nude fighting from xxxDefeatedxxx. From across the pond, the sexy ladies from Sexy Fight Dreams put the hurt on their female and male opponents. For something different and interesting, the Russian ladies at Rumble Matreshka put on a fencing match! Check out the latest from OxFighterz as they battle it out on the mats, love their photos! Next we have digital fight art from Waldo at Merlin's Kingdom, we're assured that no pixels were harmed in the making of the stories. The Maidens of Mayhem are up next with some painful action. It;s super heroin time as KMP girls fight it out. The Kick Ass Club girls are putting their stamp on their opponents with some brutal and humiliating shots! In ferocious fight action, the women from the Italian Female Wrestling team battle it out in all out action. No one is safe from defeat on the mats at Fight Pulse as they go all out in search of victory! Now it's time for some fists to be flying over at the Female Fight Club gym! Next up are the ladies from DefeatedXXX as they go for the KO and more to get their wins! It's getting wet and messy over at the Defeated Sexfight fight club where nothing is apparently taboo with these fighters! Though man might be the stronger of the two, it's the women who take charge and take names over at Competitive Enterprises when it comes to domination! Next we have the wrestler ladies from south of the border at CLFEM as they battle it out in the squared circle. And finally but never least, it's fierce competition as the ladies from Catfight Connection battle it out for supremacy!

Check out these producers' website for more tantalizing samples of the great work that they put forth, you might find something that you will be blown away with!

     STORIES: This week we bring you the latest and greatest from your favourite femfight story writers such as; Wolfboy, Starr247742 (new writer), Karl Butters, Aristocatch and Mike Massy. You will be able to find their stories and thousands more from over the years in our story section.

     I hope that you will enjoy this month's update and we will be back at the end of October with a lot more of your favourite female combat samplers and teasers!



29 AUGUST 2019

     What a great summer so far and with that we're back another great update featuring content from your favourite female combat content producers and stories from your favourite authors. Let's jump into the fray and see what's up this month!

     PHOTOS: We kick things off this week with the sultry ladies of XXXDEFEATEDXXX as someone gets caught from behind and is made to pay the price for her trespass! Next we have the rough and tumble ring girls from Russia's Rumble Matreshka as they battle it out. Sexy and tough, the OxFighterz women go all out in incredible fight action! Back again with more 3D gfx artwork, Merlin's Kingdom pixel characters take the fighting action where no live girls can go! The very beautiful women of Italian Female Wrestling bring the pain to their opponents out on the mats and on the grass like no one else can! For the pugilist in all of us, the women from Hit The Mat Wrestling bring your leather swapping action from within the ring. All hell breaks out at GirlsWrestle as the ladies team up for some vicious action. Big or small, they break them all at FightPulse when you step out on the mats with these women! Tall and beautiful, the ladies take on all foolish enough to take up the challenge over at F-F-Fights and FEMFIGHT, great action! Getting into the wet and wild side of things, the ladies at Defeated Sexfight go all out. There's a bit of everything waiting for you at Defeated XXX this week as they show case what they're all about, you've gotta check this out! Down south of the border in Mexico, the girls take it one step further and they brutally destroy their opponents in the ring! And finally, it's the Catfight Connection women who go breast to breast in full fight mode!

Be sure to check out these producers' websites for even more samplers of what they have to offer!

     STORIES: This week we have a great selection of stories from your favourite authors such as WS2003, Wolfboy, Aristocatch and Barfly6363. There are literally thousands of stories from the years past also available in the stories section of the website.

     And there you have it, another great update from around the world of female combative sports.

Best wishes to go out the folks in Florida who are currently bracing for one hell of a hurricane soon about to hit their shores. Hang tight!

     Until next time, fight fair, especially when the ref is looking!



28 JULY 2019

     We're back with another great update of photos and stories from your favourite producers and authors from around the world of female combat sports and more!

     PHOTOS: We kick things off with the ladies of UK Dream Wrestlers as they do battle vs the opposite sex. Intense fight action is up next with the Sexy Fight Dreams beauties. Rough and tumble ring action from Rumble Matreshka as the Russian ladies lay it all out. Oxfighterz bring us a stunning photo set of their ladies in action! Waldo is back from more intense digital fight action artwork from Merlin's Kingdom, showcasing some of his recent commissioned work. Krak Monster Productions returns to our gallery with more combat action, while the Italian Female Wrestling ladies get in deep with their opponents in the ring and on the mats. Lace them up for the ladies of Hit The Mat Wrestling for some boxing fight action. All kinds of mat grappling action is up next from the gals and guys at Fight Pulse. Check out the latest and greatest impressive artwork from the pages of Fight Fantasies. Over at Femfight and F-F-Fights, they beautiful ladies get into hard fighting action once again. Hard hitting and vicious fight action is up next at Female Fight Club. Fighting against all odds, the ladies of Defeated Sexfight go for the finish. Titillating fight action as the guys and gals at Defeated XXX get into some intense domination matches. The ladies from down south of the border in sunny Mexico are in all kinds of battle scenes at CLFEM. And finally but never least, it's breast to breast action for the women at Catfight Connection. Check out these producers' website for more of what they have to offer!

STORIES: This week we bring you a vast variety of fight stories from your favourite and new authors such as Wolfboy, Barfly6363, Rival's Capture, Melissa, Dark Cloud, Luffy316, MikeMas3, CatRolePlaya, Diane and Mr Chain. You will be able to find all of these and thousands of more stories in our story section.

     I hope that you will enjoy this week's update. We'll be back in August with much more from around the world of female combat sports scene!


26 JUNE 2019

     Welcome to another exciting update to the latest and greatest from around the world of female combat sports, brought to you by your favourite producers and story authors! Let's jump into it right away!

     PHOTOS Starting this week's update we go to Russian where things are going to get slippery and wet from the girls at Rumble Matreshka! Up next, Waldo brings more devastating and brutal fight action from the pixel girls at Merlin's Kingdom which is updates every week! Trading leather back and forth are the gorgeous women at HTM Wrestling, and some of them are unfortunate to find themselves against the mean Rusty! Great grappling action awaits you over at Fight Pulse where the lads and ladies fight for victory! It's TALL vs small action over at F-F-Fights as the gorgeous ladies try their best to defeat the odds! Over at FEMFIGHT, the clothes get as much of a beatdown as the ladies as nothing seems to stay on the girls during the fights, which is a good thing ;) Up next it's the pugilist ladies at Female Fight Club as they beat the living hell out of each other in brutal action! Over at Defeated Sexfight the women fight to determine who is the toughest in their own special way ;) But over at Defeated XXX it's all or nothing when these sexy ladies tangle up! You have to give them a look! And down south of the borders, the tough gals from Mexico aren't shy to dominate their opponent by any crushing means. And finally but not least, the buxom ladies at Catfight Connection establish their dominance with any means available as they defeat their opponents! Check out these producers websites as they have much more to offer that might appeal to you.

     Stories: This week we have quite a few stories from your favourite authors of Female Fighting Sports. We welcome back Wolfboy with his 3 latest stories, Raycat, ScissorMan, Tom Ace, Aristocatch, Barfly6363 and a new author MikeMas3. If the authors have left their email addresses on their pages, please do drop them a line with your comments as they would like to hear from you as this will help them with their new stories.

     And there you have it, lots of action, adventure and entertainment from around the world of female combat sports! See you soon with the next update!


26 MAY 2019

     Another great update awaits you this week from around the world of female combat sports (and more)! Saddle up and jump on for the ride!

     PHOTOS: We kick things off in the photo gallery with some ring action featuring the gorgeous ladies at UK Dream Wrestlers. Topless Russian ladies in the ring is up next from Rumble Matreshka. Rough and tumble catfighting. comes next from the hell cats at PNWCF. Putting the delicious squeeze on their opponents, the girls of OXFIGHTZ show off their skills! Waldo returns this week with more 3D GFX stories from Merlin's Kingdom where no pixels are harmed! Letting it all hang out, and used as weapons, the women at Maidens of Mayhem are back! Clothing go ripping off with the latest at Krak Monster Productions. Guys and gals are getting into the thick of it at Fight Pulse as they grapple on the mats. Garters and stockings await you with this week's offering from F-F-Fights. Wardrobes and tempers go flying at Femfight as the ladies tear into each other! The fists fly at Female Fight Club as the ladies duke it out! Over at Defeated Sexfight, it's all sensual action as the ladies fight for dominance! There's a little bit of everything this week from the ladies at Defeated XXX, just to tease you ;) And finally but not least, check out the latest from the ladies at Catfight Connection!

     STORIES: We have some great stories for you this week from your favourite authors such as Wolfboy, Diane, Christopher Elieson and Dark Cloud. Great thanks to these writers for coming up with such entertaining stories as these.

     I hope you enjoy this update! We'll be back again with more entertainment from around the world of Female Combat Sports!


24 APR 2019

     Here we are once again with another tremendous update featuring photos from your favourite producers and authors. Let's jump right into the fun!

PHOTOS: Starting us off this week are the ladies of TopCatzFight as they put the squeeze on their opponents. Up next, the TC-Wrestling ladies take it to the mats in all out battle. Over at Saw Mixed Wrestling, the men are paying the price for challenging the vicious hell cats! Topless Boxing is the order of the day over at Rumble Matreshka as the Russian ladies battle it out, sexy! Nitroman is back with more of his beatdown donnybrook action at Pro 3D Apartment Wrestling (or PAWL for short). New to our pages is action packed matches at OxFighterz, having seen a couple of their videos, they seem to have the right combination of aggression, beauty and abilities, fun stuff! Up next, Waldo return with pixel punching 3D artwork at Merlin's Kingdom. The Maidens of Mayhem take no mercy on their male victims, I mean opponents.. But over at Hit The Mat Wrestling, the ladies finally get their turn on the receiving end of punishment as the men take turns punishing their female adversaries. Another new producer to our pages, FTDOM shows that again, the ladies can put their male opponents in their place.. but for how long?! More mat action awaits you over at Fight Pulse. At F-F-Fights, it's the petite vs tall boots fighters once again, but height doesn't mean you'll win! Love the costume fights at FemmeFight, adds a little fun to serious business! Fists and kicks go flying at Female Fight Club. The battle gets serious and sensuous over at Defeated Sexfight while over at DefeatedXXX, it's all out war! In the ring, the rough and ready ladies of CLFEM go for gold! And finally but never least, the gorgeous ladies of Catfight Connection go all out for dominance!

STORIES: What a collection of stories we have in store for you by your favourite authors!
If you are an author who recently submitted a story but found it not featured, please read the instructions on how to properly submit stories (link on story page). I haven't the time or resources to reformat or fix stories that are not properly formatted.. sorry!

Alright then, the stories! Great stories await you from authors Wolfboy, MNV, Diane, Karl Butters, Dark Cloud, Melissa, WS2003 and Christopher Elieson. Check out their stories and if you enjoy them, please do drop the authors a note, they really do want to hear from you. The feedback and comments help them with new stories for you to enjoy.

     There you have it folks! Another great update from around the world of Female Combative Sports!

25 MAR 2019

     After a bit of delay, we're back with yet another stellar update! Spring is here and yet was caught on the wrong side of a winter storm.. go figure! Let's dive right into it!

PHOTOS: We kick things off with the ladies of XXX DEFEATED XXX, where they get down and dirty, and wet! Up next, the women from Ultimate Surrender are back again with much to prove! Meanwhile, in the squared circle, no one is safe from a beating at UK Dream Wrestlers. From far away, the gorgeous Russian girls from Rumble Matreshka put on quite the show in the ring. From the digital arts side of things, Waldo is back with more samples from Merlin's Kingdom. No one is safe anywhere when it comes to the ladies from Krak Monster Production. The leather goes flying over at Hit The Mat Wrestling and the women and men trade shots! The legs have it at Fight Pulse when the crushing feeling of defeat wraps around them. Tall women in tall boots take on their smaller opponents, but victory goes to her who fights the meanest at F-F-Fights! Don't bother wearing clothing at FEMFIGHT as it won't last long when the ladies tangle it up! In your face with a 5 knuckle sandwiches what you can expect fighting at the Female Fight Club. Men and women try their hands at sex fighting over at Defeated Sexfight this week. Over at Defeated XXX, no one is safe from humiliation as the fierce fighting women mix it up! And finally but not least, it's a test of will and breasts as the ladies vie for supremacy!


STORIES: For those who missed their stories on the last update, you're in luck! We have new stories from your favourite authors and a whole big bunch of new authors eager to entertain you with their story telling abilities! Pull up a comfy chair and sit back with some of the best femfighting stories submitted by authors Wolfboy, Sandra, Aristocatch, Rival's Rapture, MNV, Melissa, Tom Ace, Katie H Smith and Diane. If the authors have left their email addresses on their author pages, please do send them a note with your feedback of their stories. They are eager to hear back from you!

     And there you have it.. We will be back soon again with more exciting photos and stories from around the world of Fem Fighting!



20 FEB 2019

     We're back with another update! Unfortunately we can't bring you the stories this week but they will be back with the next update. BUT, we do have a great selection of photos from your favourite femfight producers from around the world.

     PHOTOS: We kick things off this week with the ladies of Ultimate Surrender, followed by the PNWCF babes. Up next, Waldo is back again with more of his stunning 3D cyberartwork at Merlin's Kingdom. Coming up next, Hit The Mat Wrestling is back with mixed action, and Fight Pulse returns with great mat action. The stunning ladies of F-F-Fights and Femfight are back again this week. The fighting girls of Female Fight Club are back as well this week. The sensually sexy ladies of Defeated Sexfight and DefeatedXXX are into their delicious fights again. South of the border wrestlers of CLFEM return for more action. Catfight Connection ladies return as do the sexually charged women of Absolute Mixed Wrestling. Check out these producers' websites for more content and samplers of your favourite female fight genre.

     STORIES: As mentioned before, we are unable to update the stories section this week but be assured that we will have plenty of stories to entertain you with the next update!

     Until next time, fight fair when the ref is looking! ;)


20 JAN 2019

     Welcome to the first update of 2019! I hope that everyone had a great holiday season. Let's get things started right away!

PHOTOS: We start the New Year with sensously vicious sex fighting with the girls from xxxDefeatedxxx. Up next in the squared circle, the Russian ladies of Wrestling Matreshka go all out. The sexually charged ladies from Ultimate Surrender are back again. Check out the latest from Sexy Fight Dreams as the gorgeous ladies fight for dominance. Back again with more of his Digital Artwork, Waldo presents the latest from Merlin's Kingdom. One of my favourite overseas fight sites is back again with their intense mat fights at Italian Female Wrestling. Boxing, wrestling and general mayhem awaits you over at Hit The Mat Wrestling with lots to offer! The gals and guys go at it with intensity at Fight Pulse, showing NO mercy for their opponents! For some of the most sensuous graphic artwork, you do have to check out the latest from Fight Fantasies. With tall boots, women tackle their shorter barefoot opponents with vigor at F-F-Fights Once again, the clothes go flying over at Femfight as the ladies rip into each other for victory. Hard punches and hair pulling is the norm over at Female Fight Club. Total domination is the rule when sexfighting at Defeated Sexfight. Check out the power and muscle featured this week at Defeated XXX as the weaker victims are dominated! The ladies from south of the border at at it again on the mats over at CLFEM. And finally but never least, check out the latest from Catfight Connection! Check out the latest from these great fight sites!

STORIES: This week we bring you more top shelf fight stories from your favourite authors such as Wolfboy, Dark Cloud, Aristocatch and Rival's Capture. Check out these latest stories and thousands more in our story section.

     I hope that you all enjoy this update brought to you by the various producers from around the world of femfighting. We'll be back again soon with more exciting pics and stories!



25 DEC 2018

     Merry Christmas to all and Happy Holidays! It's that festive time of the year and time for the LAST update for 2018! We have plenty of producer submitted content for your entertainment and more stories for your reading pleasure!

     Before we kick things off, I would like to take this time to thank all the producers who submitted their awesome content to be published on this site and to all the authors who shared their excellent fight stories for all to enjoy. Without these dedicated individuals, this site would not be possible. For this, my thanks!

     Now, let's get things rolling with the update!

PHOTOS: This week we kick things off with Wrestling Matreshka's battling wrestlers in the ring. Up next the ladies from UK Dream Wrestlers are putting the beatdown on their opponents. The Cyber Chicks from Pro 3D Apartment Wrestling (PAWL for short!) are back again with more exciting tales of pixel power by NitroMan. PNWCF returns with more mat action, while the glorious ladies of Modest Moms Wrestling do their work in the ring. Merlin's Kingdom returns this week with more of Waldo's fight action stories. The Krak Monster Productions girls take it outside for the beatdown action, while Hit The Mat Wrestling get things done in the ring with brutal gloves and matches! Check out the latest from GirlsWrestle for pin action. The guys and gals from Fight Pulse battle it out on the mats in intense match action! Over at F-F-Fights, size sometimes makes a difference as the tall boots make the difference! Over at Femfight, it's strip down, beat down time once again! Great topless ring action awaits you over at Female Fight Club. Over at DefeatedXXX, it's a hodge podge of large vs small, and so much more. For something on the gentler but still intense side of things, the ladies of Defeated Sexfight know how to take out their opponents. From south of the borders where it's WARMER than up here, it's the ladies from CLFEM in various fight scenes! It's the battle of the breasts and babes over at Catfight Connection. Things get a little maliciously rough this week at Bitch Fight UK. And finally, but not least, the ladies at Absolute Victory put the sting in humiliating their vanquished opponent by what ever means possible!

STORIES: Once again we bring you the latest and greatest fight stories from your favourite and new authors such as WolfBoy, Aristocatch, WS2003, Luffy316 and new authors CatRolePlaya and Michelle. Please do send the authors a note with feedback and comments if they have left their email addresses showing on their author pages, they'll appreciate hearing from you!

     And there you have it, the last update for 2018. 25 yrs of updates from around the world of FemFighting and more. I hope that you will enjoy this update and that we will see you again in 2019. I hope everyone has a safe and happy time this holiday season.



25 NOV 2018

     It's time for another update! Strap in as this is one large update to fill your femfighting needs and enjoyment!

PHOTOS: We have one heck of a large collection of photos available to you this week, all delivered by the producers themselves. Check them out and see if there is something that appeals to you. As always, to help continue our fun fetish, help support your favourite producers. This week, we kick things off with one of my favourite wrestling sites, Wrestling Matreshka where the beautiful Russian ladies drop the hammer on their opponents. I've always enjoyed their videos, so give them a try, you'll be impressed! The battle ready women of UK Dream Wrestlers waste no time in their attempts of defeating their equally tough opponents. Next up we have PRO3DAPARTMENT WRESTLING where NitroMan shares his latest cyber art beatdown and fight stories. Boxing action is up next from the ladies at PNWCF as they lay leather on each other. Another fun site to check out is Modest Mom Wrestling where the gals next door do harm to each other as they dominate their victims in and out of the ring. Waldo is back again with more cyberart images from Merlin's Kingdom where no pixels are harmed but lets the imagination soar! Krak Monster Productions is back again this week with the heavy weights fighting in a battle to the finish! Getting into the ring at Hit The Mat Wrestling is always a risk as you risk getting leather in the face or the ring mat in the face as the women and men battle it out. Check the latest grappling action from Girls Wrestle. Fem vs Fem and Fem vs Male mat action awaits you at Fight Pulse where the fighters give it their all. Check out the latest from both F-F-Fights and Femme Fight as the gorgeous ladies tear into each other for the win. Up next are the rough and rumble ladies at Female Fight Club in ring fight action. Big fighters, small victims and a lot of intense action awaits you at Defeated XXX. On the more tender but equally intense side of female dominance, check out the latest from Defeated Sexfight as there are no limits. For the breast action, check out what the women at Catfight Connection are up to as they impose their will upon their opponents. Great catfight action from across the pond come to you from UK Bitch Fight as the intensity of fighting gets better! And finally but not least, the risk of losing a match at Absolute Victory ensures that the combatants try really hard not to lose their matches for the penalty is severe! Many thanks to all the producers who submitted content for this update!

STORIES: Thanks to the talented authors, we have a large collection of fight stories available to you by your favourite authors such as Wolfboy, Dark Cloud, Nakazet, Dark Knight, DG, Karl Butters and Bandit. I hope that you enjoy their stories! Be sure to send the authors a comment or feedback as this helps them improve their writing skills and might even help with a story creation based on your input.

     And there we have it... a large update, lots of content to keep you entertained. We'll be back again soon next month with another update.



17 OCT 2018

     We have a huge update this week for your viewing enjoyment, brought to you by your favourite femfight video and art producers from around the world.. Let's jump into it right away!

     PHOTOS: This week's photo gallery kicks off with the sensuously gorgeous ladies from XXXDefeatedXXX. The women from Sexy Fight Dreams are back this week with biting tactics. PNWCF returns with more fight action, while the wrestlers of Modest Moms Wrestling pound the hell of any jobber that shows up (which is quite often!). From Merlin's Kingdom, Waldo presents more of his excellent digital art work where no pixels are harmed, but opens the imagination to what if it were real... The Maidens of Mayhem are at each other's throat this week. The Italian Female Wrestling hell cats are battling it out with their usual ferocity. For a bit of everything fight action, check out the latest from Hit The Mat Wrestling as no one is safe from a beat down. The Female Wrestling Channel is back again with another episode for you, while the Fight Pulse fighters put the crushing squeeze on their opponents. It's tall boots vs bare foot with the women at F-F-Fights while over at Femfight, it's hot clothes ripping fight time again! Back again are the beautiful women of Female Fight Club as they battle in and out of the ring. Let the feet rule as the women of DefeatedXXX battle it out in the ring and on the mats. Dominating their opponents with their assets, the ladies of Defeated Sexfight go all out. Over at Competitive Enterprises, where no man is safe, the ladies show why it's not wise to mess with them! From down south of the borders in the warmer climate, check out the latest from CLFEM as they wrestle to victory! At Catfight Connection, the women go all out fighting chest to chest, hair to hair. From across the pond, the Bitch Fight UK women viciously go at each other for dominance in intense battle. And finally but not least, over at Absolute Victory, where losing a match means cruel punishment, it's not just the guys who have to pay the absolute price!

     STORIES: This week we bring you the latest and greatest stories from your favourite authors such as Wolfboy, Scissorman, Diane, WS2003 and Nakazet. Check out their stories and the thousands of stories in stock and please do send the authors some feedback as this helps them with their creative endeavours.

     There we have it, one large update to keep you warm as winter approaches. We'll be back soon with more exciting photos and stories from around the world of Fem Fighting!



20 SEPT 2018

     Welcome back to another outstanding and full featured update of the latest and greatest from your favourite femfighting producers and new stories from your favourite femfighting story writers! Let's kick this show on the road!

     Photo Galleries: Starting the lineup this week are the beautiful sex fighting divas from xxxDEFATEDxxx as they lay it all out on the line with their feet and other sexy accouterments! UK Dream Wrestlers make their debut here at SKFF with a stunning showcase of ring action fights! Waldo is back again this week with more awesome 3D digital artwork at Merlin's Kingdom where you can find just about anything as pixel girls never get hurt but suffer a great deal! Boxing and wrestling clash in the squared circle as the women and men have a go at each other over at Hit The Mat Wrestling. The Female Wrestling Channel are with us again this week with new real fight action pics. Check out the latest of what Fight Pulse has to offer, nothing I like more than good hard fought action fights and here you will fight plenty! Tall boots and short victims await you over at F-F-Fights, while the equal beautiful women at Femfight can't decide what to wear so why not just rip it off during the fight?! Everything is fair game targets over at Female Fight Club as the women hammer away at bellies, crotch and breasts in the squared circle! There is more than one way to defeat your opponent, let Defeated Sexfight show you a few more! With more traditional wrestling, the DefeatedXXX fighters go all out to win their matches! Don't let their beauty fool you, the Dangerous Video ladies are out to put the hurt on their opponents with pins, scissors and chokes! It's time to double up the fun when it's 2 on 1 time at CLFEM this week as the ladies from south of the border get into it for the win! The buxom ladies of Catfight Connection go nipple to nipple, breast to breast in order to dominate their opponents. The great outdoors is where we will find the Bitch Fight UK women as they rip into each others hair. And last, but not least, we have another gallery from the men and women at Absolute Victory where losing the match results in really grave consequences!

Check out the producers' websites for more video and photo samplers of what they have to offer!

     STORIES: This week we bring you your favourite authors with their new stories for your reading pleasures such a Aristocatch, Karl Butters and Wolfboy. We're also introducing a new writer, Bandit this week with his new story. If you do enjoy their stories, and the author has left his email address on their pages, please do send them a note with your comments and critiques, this will help them with their new stories.

     One large update that I hope you will enjoy! Until next time, Fight fair when the ref is looking ;)


26 AUG 2018

    Back again for another update!

Check out the latest stories and photos in this week's update from your favourite producers, fighters and authors! There's something for everyone this week!

     We'll be back soon with another great update!




27 JULY 2018

     Seems like there is a wide spread heat wave going on, weather wise and femfight wise! With all the blazing action happening around the world, let check it out!

     PHOTO GALLERY: Brought to you by the producers themselves, are their latest and greatest offerings from various genres of femfighting action. We'll start things off with Nitroman's Pro3d Apartment Wrestling 3D graphics ring and fight stories, where more than fighting may happen! Up next we find the ladies of PNWCF locking up for battle. And bringing to you something fun and exciting are the Modest Moms Wrestling... if you haven't seen these ladies in action before, be sure to give them a serious look. They're doing things differently to shake up the femfighting world and I think they'll do very well with it.. Love their one sided matches!! Back again with more 3D Graphics Fight action, is Waldo with more stories from his weekly updates at Merlin's Kingdom.. In the ring, out of the ring, torturous beatdowns and more await you each week! Speaking of beatdowns, the gals and guys at Hit The Mat Wrestling favour no gender when it's time to throw leather in the face or guts! Over at the Female Wrestling Channel, watch as some unfortunate (or fortunate?) lad gets crushed by powerful women wrestlers.. For some of what I would consider the best drawn out femfighting artwork, you HAVE to check out the latest at Fight Fantasies as the fight fantasy comes alive through artwork! Tall boots and hair pulling are in order over at F-F-FIGHT as the ladies tear into each other.. while at FEMFIGHT, the ladies simply tear away everything trying to defeat their opponents! DefeatedXXX and Defeated Sexfight ladies are back to show you what can be done in order to defeat your opponent for the win.. rules? what rules!! The gorgeous ladies at Dangerous Video are back with ribs crushing scissors, arm bars and choke holds.. these gals mean business! In the ring, on the mats or in the pool, the hard core fighting women at CLFEM are back and mowing the competition down. Big or small, they'll beat them all! And finally but never least, the women at Catfight Connection lock up to wrestle, catfight and dominate their opponents in close combat.. Be sure to check out these producers' website for more samplers of content available for sale.. Supporting your favourite website and producers helps to ensure that we'll be seeing more new content from their fight scenes!

     FIGHT STORIES: This week we bring you the latest stories from your favourite authors and new authors as well. Featuring stories from Paulabird8, Wolfboy, Karl Butters, and introducing new authors to our pages, Scissorman. If you see an email address on their author pages, please do drop them a line and give them some feedback on their stories. I know they'll appreciate it.

     There you have it folks, I do hope that you will enjoy this week's update, and please do check out the latest wares available at your favourite producer sites and check out some new ones, you might be surprised at what you might find that would interest you. Without your support, we might not be seeing new content soon.. (in other words, piracy sucks, doesn't help anyone and the pirates wonder why there's no new content when producers can't afford to pay their models for fight work that you enjoy so much.. MANY thanks to all those who DO support, do their part and appreciate the hard work that goes into making these excellent videos and photo galleries.. )

     Enjoy the heat, we'll be back soon with MORE sizzlin' fight stories and photos from around the Femfighting World!!



05 JULY 2018

     The great Holiday weekend has passed, Canada Day to the North and Independence Day to the south of us.. I hope everyone had a GREAT time and came out of it safely ;) Let's see what this week's update brings us from around the GREAT world of female fighting!

     PHOTOS: This week's Gallery starts off the Rumble Matreshka's square circle brawlers taking big hits and dropping the hammer on each other to see who is the toughest fighter.. I got the chance to see this video and found it quite impressive! Up next is Nitroman's Pro3D Apartment Wrestling where, with guest artist Waldo, he brings us everything that could ever be possible done inside, and outside of the fighting circle! Waldo is back with more of his artwork at Merlin's Kingdom! Putting the gloves on and laying leather on their opponents, check out the latest from the gals and guys at Hit The Mat Wrestling! The Female Wrestling Channel is back this week with more exciting mat action. Putting the crushing squeeze on their opponents, the beautiful ladies from Fight Pulse lay it all out on the mats! It's tall vs small again as the gorgeous ladies of F-F-Fights duke it out. Why bother wearing clothing at FEMFIGHT as it's sure to be ripped off as their ladies wage war on each other. DefeatedXXX is back again with some highly sexualized fighting among their sexy fighters! Back again, Dangerous Video is back again as their wrestlers grapple it out on the mats. Getting wet in the pool and on the mats, the ladies from south of the border are back again from CLFEM. And finally but never least, the pros show how it's done as they tear into each other at Catfight Connection! Check them out!

     Stories: This week we bring you new stories from your favourite authors such as Wolfboy and Aristocatch, and introducing a new author with TWO new stories, Karl Butters. Let them know what you thought of their stories as they love the feedback!

     There it is, folks, I do hope that you enjoyed this week's update. Stay tuned, we hope to be back soon with a lot more from around the world of Female Combative Sports!!


13 JUNE 2018

      Greetings! My apologies for being away for so long between updates, it's been quite the busy month at this end with one thing after another.. but without further delay, let's just right into what your favourite producers, artists and authors have for you from around the femfighting world!

     Photo Gallery! We kick things off with yet again another great video from the folks from Russian, Rumble Matreshka, beautiful women in the ring! Up next are intense fight images from the pages of Nitroman's own Pro3D Apartment Wrestling (or PAWL). We have new intro pics of fighting gals from PNWCF this week. Waldo is back again with more exciting 3D Artwork from Merlin's Kingdom. The gorgeous ladies of Maidens of Mayhem are back again this week. You gotta love the intense ferocity when it comes to Italian Female Wrestling matches, check out what they have for you this week. The Female Wrestling Channel is back with another episode of fighting gals. Check out the latest from Fight Pulse as their ladies battle it out on the mats. There is wild action to be had over at F-F-Fights and Femfight as these gorgeous ladies stop at nothing to emerge victorious in their battles. Getting nasty and intimate in their fights, check out the latest at Defeated Sexfights. Putting the wrestling holds to submit their opponents, check out what Defeated XXX have been up to! The ladies of Dangerous Video put the painful crush on their opponents. Woe is the male who try to stand up to any of the Competitive Enterprises women as they hammer away one victory after another. From down south of the border, the wrestling ladies of CLFEM find themselves in tight quarters for this epic battle. And finally but never least, check out the latest from the ladies at Catfight Connection!

     STORIES: Your favourite authors and new ones are here again to provide you with their latest literary offerings.. check out the latest from Wolfboy, Christopher Elieson, WS2003, Aristocatch, AC. If the authors have left their email addresses on their pages, please drop them a note as they would love to hear from you.

    And there we have it, the latest update for the week.. I hope to be back soon with another update before too long if all goes well ;) Thanks for your support!



20 MAY 2018

     We're again this month for another top notch update from the wide world of female combative sports brought to you by your favourite producers of video, imagery and stories! Let's not waste any time and get right to it!

     PHOTOS: What a treat that we have waiting for you in the photo galleries, most of which are captured from your favourite producers latest video offerings. Please do visit their websites for sample clips and even more samplers from their vast catalogue of content.. Let's get started with the beautiful ladies from Sexy Fight Dreams, as they ferociously tear into each other like no one else does.. Check out the latest from Sexy Squeeze Girls as they crush their opponents with powerful anaconda like thighs! Always a favourite for ring action, check out the latest from far away Russian with the Rumble Matreshka girls! A new web site PNWCF comes to our pages this week, check out their offerings at their C4S store. Waldo is back with more of his Cyber3D fantasy fight artwork at Merlin's Kingdom featuring all kinds of fights, themes and models.. Back once again, Ladyfist brings another Member's clip compilation Video LF323 full of HOM KO's. Check out the latest from KMP as their hell cats take it to the ring, alley and band stage! Italian Female Wrestling brings you such intensity and fury to their fights, one of my favourites. Slugging it out and taking them down are the gals at Hit The Mat Wrestling, offering you the best in leather trading, mat wrestling action. We have another chapter with this week's Female Wrestling Channel fights. Guys and gals at Fight Pulse grind it out on the mats. Speaking of 'grinding' one out, check out the latest from Defeated Sexfight this week.. while the gals are in for all kinds of trouble, large and small at Defeated XXX ! The girls at CPL Wrestling get business done with crushing scissors and pin downs, their opponents can't possibly last very long. And finally but never least, the beautiful women at Catfight Connection oil up and battle it out this week in battle!

     STORIES: We have a lot of stories available to from your favourite authors, such as Aristocatch, Dark Cloud, Wolfboy, Barfly6363  and  Paulabird8. Many thanks to these fine authors for sharing their passion of story telling of fem fight fantasy matches and fights. Be sure to drop them off a note with your comments after reading their stories. I am sure they will appreciate it, as this helps them with their writings skills..

And so there we have it.. another update of great matches, stories and artwork. I hope you've enjoyed this week's update and I'll be back again soon with more from around the world of femfighting..


13 APR 2018

     Maybe I should have picked a better date than Friday the 13th this month? Doesn't matter, any day in the ring or on the mats is a great day for combative sports and entertainment! So let's have it!

     This week, we'll start the PHOTO GALLERY with some hot M vs F action from Mixed Wrestling Club. Waldo is back this week with more tantalizing action from his 3D models at Merlin's Kingdom. Down on the carpet, the Maidens of Mayhem get busy battling it out. Supporting a true Jobber Girl, Ladyfist is promote to sponsor Felicia from in her latest belly destruction video where she takes viscously mean hits to the abs. All proceeds from sales will go to Felicia to get the next video out sooner! Guys vs Gals are up next in the ring at HTM Wrestling as the ladies do their best to trade leather with the lads.. It's girls vs girls up next with Girls Wrestle. You have to check out the latest from Fight Pulse as a powerful goddess takes on TWO male opponents and makes them pay for it!! For some of the very best illustrated fem fight artwork, you can't go wrong with checking out what Fight Fantasies has to offer, very impressive! Always one taller than the other, the ladies at F-F-Fights will go all out for the victory. Showing up fully clothed for a fight usually means you're going to lose it all over at FEMFIGHT as the beautiful ladies lock up for battle! All kinds of fight action is to be seen over at Defeated XXX as the women give as good as they get! Putting the sexy in sexfights, check out the latest from Defeated Sexfights. Putting the beat down on their male opponents, the fearless women at Competitive Enterprises lay it all out on the line in rough battle.. From down south of the border, the CLFEM fighters put up great ring action fights, and just about anywhere else! And finally, but never least, the beautiful mature ladies of Catfight Connection show us how it's done as they lock up in close combat!

     For your weekly FIGHT STORIES, we bring you the latest from your favourite authors such as Aristocatch and AC. We hope that other authors will be back again soon with their latest stories but be sure to send them all some feedback and comments, it helps them with their creative development to know what you like to read about.. ;)

     So there you have it folks, another great update from your favourite producers from around the world. We'll be back again soon with yet another hard hitting update. Please do support your favourite producers and don't fall to video piracy, it only helps to hurt the industry.

Until next time, cheers!

20 MAR 2018

     It's the first day of spring and many of us on the East Coast of North American are bracing for yet another winter storm.. Really, Mother Nature, really?! So instead of whining about it as usual, it's time for another update to take our minds away from the cold winter that still lingers around us. For all of you basking in the warm sun, we envy you!!

     PHOTO GALLERY: We kick off this week's update with Rumble Matreshka's Anarchy vs Viper as these two beautiful and courageous wrestlers battle it out in the squared circle. The ladies at TopCatz Fight put the squeeze on their opponents while the fighters from TC-Wrestling fiercely grapple it out on the mats. Woe is the male who engages in any matches with the women at SAW Mixed Wrestling. he's not getting away with anything! Humiliation and painful leg stretches await the helpless victim as she suffers defeat over at the Mixed Wrestling Club. Waldo is back once again with more of his outstanding 3D digital art stories at Merlin's Kingdom, updated each and every week! The beautiful and highly competitive ladies at Italian Female Wrestling are back again with intense wrestling action on the mats! Throwing leather in the ring, the gals and guys tat Hit The Mat Wrestling go all out! Check out the latest from Fight Pulse as the ladies engage in intense battle with their male and female opponents! Over at F-F-Fights, tall boots and bare feet are in order as their gorgeous ladies go all out. Office attire is optional once the gals at Femfight start battling it out for dominance. Check out the latest from Defeated XXX as the ladies get down and dirty with their fighting. Getting rather intimate and dirty, the ladies at Defeated Sexfight get down to business rather quickly. With crushing intensity, the women at CPL Wrestling put their powerful thighs to work defeating their opponents. With brutal intensity, the women of Competitive Enterprises lay waste to their male opponents with punches and kicks! From down south of the border, check out the latest from the ladies at CLFEM. And finally, but always never least, the women of Catfight Connection grapple it out to see who will dominate!

     STORIES: This week we bring you stories from authors Wolfboy and Aristocat. Check out these authors' newest stories and the vast library of stories from the past. Be sure to let the authors know of what you thought of their stories as this helps them improve their writing skills.

    I hope that you will enjoy this update, please do support your favourite producers so that they can continue to bring us top quality fight videos that we all enjoy so much. Let them know what you would like to see and ask them if they do custom videos. You would be surprised that some do not charge as much as you would think for great quality work!

    Until next time, fight fair especially if the ref is watching! Cheers!



04 MAR 2018

     Well that was more extended of a break than anticipated but we're back with yet another super great update featuring pics from your favourite producers from around the world of Femfighting. Let's not waste any time, so here we go!

     PHOTOS: We start off the Gallery with the beautiful and powerful Russian ladies from Wrestle Castle as they test their strength against one another. Up next is one of my favourite sites for the intensity of action as shown in their awesome photos, check the latest from Sexy Fight Dreams. Always improving and always impressing the fans are the ring girls at Rumble Matreshka as they fight from pillar to post in all out war. Check out the latest from NitroMan's 3D CyberArt site at Pro3D Apartment Wrestling as his fighter girls are pushed to their pixel limits and beyond! for the M vs F fans, check out the latest from Mixed Wrestling Club as the girls give as good as they get! Waldo at Merlin's Kingdom has brought some more of his featured fight art work, over 70 images each and every week! Bending the rules and breaking more, the gals at Krank Monster Productions battle it out. Again, with beautiful fight pics full of intensity and raw energy, check out what those beautiful ladies from Italian Female Wrestling have to show this week. From the West Coast, the guys and gals at Hit The Mat Wrestling bring you wrestling, inter-gender and boxing action, you'll want to check them out! We have another installment from the Female Wrestling Channel for you. Great grappling action await you over at Fight Pulse as tough ladies fight it out with each other and their male opponents. Literally on the cutting edge of female fighting, check out the slashing and fighting at F-F-FIGHTS this week. Over at FEMFIGHT, the gals are ripping hair roots and clothes to get the win! DefeatedXXX has a neat 'ghost' fight pictorial for you this week. As with sexually charge catfights go, you can't goo wrong with Defeated Sexfight as the ladies grind their way to glory! From south of the border, the Latinas are hard at work in the ring over at CLFEM. Last but not least, check out the latest from Catfight Connection.

     STORIES: This week, we bring you the latest and greatest fight stories from your favourite authors such as Wolfboy, Aristocatch, WS2003 and DiavoloM. Be sure to leave them a comment or feedback to help them create new stories..

     Well there you have it, there is a lot to check from the various producers out there in the world of Femfighting. I hope you've enjoyed this update and we'll be back with another one soon!


28 JAN 2018

     The end of the month is upon us and time for another update with pics and stories from around the world of Femfighting!

     Photo gallery! In this week's offerings, we begin with those beautiful women of Russian as Wrestling Castle and Rumble Matreshka present hard fighting ring action. Up next are the pixel babes from Waldo's creation at Merlin's Kingdom, updated each and ever week! All kinds of action in and out of the ring is featured over at Hit The Mat Wrestling. Big, small, men and women battle each other for the win over at Fight Pulse on the mats, always great action! Check out who the Female Wrestling Channel is re-introducing this week. Up next are the beautiful and sexually charged ladies from Defeated Sexfight and Defeated XXX as they wage war and love. And finally, the veteran ladies of Catfight Connection fight their way to victory once again in intense matches.

     Story Section: This week, we have but one story but what a story! Brought to you by none other than Aristocatch for your reading pleasure!

     A quick update for Femfighting fans this week. Our next update will be in March this year. We're making a few changes at this end and will be back with more of the pics and stories that you so enjoy again.



13 JAN 2018

     Welcome to the first update of 2018, our official 25th year of bringing you the best of what is available out there in the wild world of female combative sports and entertainment through photos and stories. Producers and athletes have graciously provided us with years of photos, video samplers, and authors with their exciting stories. Let's dive into this week's update before the next winter storm hits us once again..

     PHOTOS: We kick things off this week with those beautiful and talented ladies from Russia, at Wrestling Matrshka. The videos get better and better and the action more brutal as these ladies go all out. Beating down the opposition on the mats, the girls at TopCatzFight go all out. Next, over at TC Wrestling, the squeeze is on all adversaries as the women crush their opponents. SAW Mixed Wrestling is back with more exciting fight action as the weaker sex try to survive the women's attacks. Looking for some wild fighting and torturous cyber art? Check out the latest offerings from NitroMan's own Pro 3D Apartment Wrestling, and the pixel chics and guys go all out. Waldo is back with his own fighting cyber art at Merlin's Kingdom, updated every week for the last 17 yrs. Rough and tumble mat action is up next from GirlsWrestle. Check the new and lovely fighter over at the Female Wrestling Channel, you don't want to miss that one! Get ready for some mixed and f/f action as Fight Pulse showcases some intense matches. F-F-Fights is back this week with some cutting edge fight pics. Why they bother wearing clothes at Femfight is beyond me as it's the first thing to go flying as the gorgeous women tear into each other. DefeatedXXX is back with their sexy and naughty fighters as they try to take out their opponents. But over at Defeated Sexfight, things have really gotten down and dirty as fighters become lovers.. The power and brawn is showcased this week at Defeated Mixed Wrestling club as one poor victim is elevated in standings.. The ladies from south of the border are back this week with intense ring action over at CLFEM. The experienced ladies of Catfight Connection are tangling it up nicely. And to finish this week's photo updates, we bring you the lovely ladies from Battle Belles as they bed battle their way to the win. Be sure to check out these producer's websites as they have much more to offer in their visitors section for you to feast your eyes on.

     STORIES: We start the year with new exciting stories from your favourite authors and a few new ones as well. Check out the latest from authors Aristocatch, JessicaB, DiavoloM, RayCat, Dark Cloud and AC. If the authors have left their email info on their story pages, be sure to send them a note of appreciation, a comment, some feedback to encourage them or help them create the stories that you so want to read about.. ;)

And there we have it, the first official 2018 update! We'll be back soon with more femfighting entertainment!


LadyFist Catfights
Hit the Mat Foxy Boxing

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