(Camera comes to David standing in the ring with his girls that he picked out to be part of tonight matches.)
David Mclane: Tonight ladies and gentlemen we have set up a couple of great matches for you. Lets go back to last week when my show was bombarded with a unknown person claiming he is the new owner of WOW.
(Camera goes to the titantron where it shows some of the recap of the beginning of the last show including the part where the matches were made for tonight card.)
David Mclane: So as you see this guy thinks he owns the federation, however what he does not know is that he does not own it. As a matter of fact it owns by the both of us, in a joint stock. So we both are co-owners no matter what the out come of tonight is.
(Camera goes back to titantron where it shows David on the phone just likes at the end of the last week show but this time it shows him talking to some high price lawyer big shot)
David: I owe my team of lawyers a big thanks you for finding this loophole in the contract. And as a token of respect I will allow you guys to borrow your favorite girl for a fantastic date on just a night on the town. Just give me call and I will work out the details
Then BLB music hit the loud speakers and he and his goons come from the back flanked by a couple of Mclane own girls.
(Camera goes and follows them to the rings as they the girls surround the ring and BLB climbs into the ring)
BLB: Well as you can see me and my crew of girls are here. And if you look closely in the mix of the girls are a couple of girls that you say are no talent. For example I have picked up one of the many talents that you had but let go to waste. You know that bleach blonde karate kicking black women that was one of your wrestlers.
(Camera then goes through the group of girls till it lands on Roxy Powers standing at ringside with evil smile on her face)
BLB: Also I have also picked up two of the women that I would say is some of the best talent you had in singles or tag. And that two of soon to be favorite crowd pleasers I believe they told me they that their names were Ice Cold and Poison and that they are planning to dominate the girls of my fed and you fed. I can not wait to get them officially singed to BLB Inc.
(Camera goes to them as they are standing around in their street clothes because they are not schedule to fight on tonight card. Then the camera catches the color pink in the corner and turn to focus on Lana and her gang of goons)
BLB: Well lets see oh yeah I also required your old play thing and her goons. Or as she tells it you were her old play thing. Anyway Lana, Patti and that old friend of yours that used to train your wrestlers, and ref the fights for you Josh has now all sign contracts with me. So even if my fighters lose which I do not see happening I have already stolen some of talent.
David Just stands in the middle of the ring looking like he is about to cry at seeing all of his talent being taken away.
(Camera shows has been going from BLB center of ring the whole time he was talking to the girls on the floor surrounding the ring)
BLB: So with out further ado I like to get tonight matches under way.
(Camera shows BLB people leaving the ring then it goes to David who has finally found his voice as he gets on his Mic and responds to all of BLB’s babbling. However just as David Mclane is about to speak the show breaks to commercial)
Commercial Break
(The camera comes back from commercial break and picks up right where it left you just as Mclane is about to speak)
Mclane: Well BLB it looks like you needed insurance so you stole some of my girls. What is the matter don’t think your girls can beat my girls. I mean was it not you who told me that and I quote “my athletes are going to paint the mat with those weakling soul.”
BLB: Yeah I did say that and that is what is going to happened, tonight right here in the Great Western Forum.
(Camera quickly goes form BLB and Mclane to the fans who erupted hearing BLB talking about them)
Mclane: Well if you are so sure that you going to win how about we add two more matches making it the best three out of five. You see….
BLB cuts Mclane off speaking in the Mic with a quick come back.]
BLB: Who says it will come down five. My girls are going to whip your girls in the first three matches anyway.
Mclane: Highly unlikely, but if that does happened the last two matches would be just for entertainment. I mean you’re here to entertain the fans right. ( BLB nods his head) Well good it is agreed. So I have chosen a match that I like to call the clipper on a pole match. Meaning one of mine girls against one of your girls. Then the winner is the one who climes the turnbuckle and gets the clipper from off the pole.
BLB: That is not a bad idea only if you had not already used it. However I am game for it so I chose lets see who is some one I not found of and don’t mind seeing them go bald I know how about that evil bitch I got from the idiotic fed Molly
Mclane: Good choice but however it is not better than mine for I have pick one of the original women of the idiotic fed you keep talk about and her name is Luna.
BLB (The camera gets a close up of BLB who looks a little timid) Is speechless, however he quickly recovers and asks Mclane what his next match would be.
Mclane: Well I did a lot of thinking about this match next match and I have decided to make it a owner against owner match.
BLB: What you think you could take me on in the ring. Mclane I knew you were crazy but not that crazy. I would kill you.(Camera goes from BLB who has a smirk or his face and is looking at Mclane like he is crazy, and also Mclane is looking at BLB like he is left out of a joke)
Mclane: I am a train black belt and karate and have train myself waiting for my chance to get in the ring and beat someone.
BLB: You know what I am willing if you are willing. Now you no what I think, these people want to see some action so I think we should get the show on the road.
Mclane: You got it.
Commercial Break
(Camera is in the ring when we come back from the break and the first match is just about to start as Jazz has already mad her way to the ring wearing a black and pink striped skirt with a pair of black short. Also she has on a black and pink striped bikini top as she is awaiting Terri Gold her opponent.)
Lee Marshal: Welcome back to WOW Women of Wrestling. Tonight we have some exciting matches as we even has our very own David Mclane in a match, isn’t that right David.
Mclane: What huh, oh yeah I hate that BLB too and can not wait for him to get his.
Marshal: What are you talking about David, oh look here come Terri Gold and look she has a new outfit on for tonight match. (The camera quickly goes to Terri as she comes down in her new outfit giving high fives to all the fans as she comes. Then the camera switches angles and show Jazz staring a hole through Terri as she makes her way into the ring.)
Mclane: Yeah that is right all the girls who are scheduled to fight are sporting new outfits just like Terri Gold is wearing.
Marshal: Terri new USA flag shorts and top are very nice.
Mclane: I figured since she is the American role model I figure she should wear something that represents America. Now fans when we come back from commercial we will see some high intense fighting.
Marshal: Well this match is a bra and panties I quit match. Meaning that you have to strip your opponent to their bra and panties before they can even considering submitting.
Commercial Break
(Camera is on both of the competitors as they await the bell)
The bell sounds just as the commercial break ends, and girls circle for a position to get the upper hand. Jazz has a lot of experience compared to Terri Gold who first job of wrestling was WOW compared to Jazz who been in the WWE and in ECW. The girls lock up in the center of the ring and Jazz is quick to lock on a front headlock and then throw Terri arm over her shoulder and perform a quick snap suplex that sends Terri to the mat on her back
Mclane: Okay one good move however Terri is one of the best girls I have and I know she can beat this steroid freak that BLB goes out with. She is not nothing if you ask me.
Marshal: For her to not be nothing she is really taking it to Terri Gold.
Back in the ring Jazz is lifting up Terri up by the arm and slings her into the ropes, and as she rebounds off the ropes and Jazz lays her out with a hard clothesline that send Terri falling to the ground on her back again. Jazz picks Terri Gold up off the mat with her hair again.
Mclane: Man look at how Jazz is cheating with that hair pulling.
Back in the ring the ref is warning Jazz about the hair pulling. However Jazz is not paying him any attention as she delivers a hairmare that send Terri to her back. Then while still holding on to Terri hair she delivers another hairmare. By now the ref has starting counting trying to get Jazz to stop the hair pulling.
Marshal: I have to agree with you she is cheating using the hair however the ref is there to break it up.
Mclane: Thank goodness. I was afraid she was going to pull all of Terri hair out. You no Lana attacked Terri’s hair last match.
Marshal: Yeah I remember that, maybe that is why Jazz is going to work on it right now.
Back in the ring Jazz has Terri set up for another suplex, however Terri rolls through it and lands on her feet behind Jazz. Terri knows she has to be quick and is as she throws a back elbow to back of Jazz neck. That staggered Jazz, then Terri runs forward and bounces off the rope and hits Jazz in the mouth with a dropkick that staggered Jazz again but did not take her down.
Marshal: Man this is going to be a tough match for Terri normally she is able to take down her opponent with a dropkick.
Mclane: Don’t worry she will get her down just watch her get her down with the next dropkick.
Back in the ring Terri is going for another dropkick, she connects but it just staggers Jazz again. Terri bounces off the rope again and this time she tries a flying lariat that finally takes her bigger opponent down.
Marshal: That away to do it.
Mclane: I told you she could take her down.
Back in the ring Terri throws Jazz into the corner, Jazz hits with a ring shaking thud. Terri then goes to the opposite ring corner and starts to back flip and cart wheel her way across the ring until she throws a back elbow that right into the face of Jazz.
Mclane: Did you see that Terri is putting a hurting on BLB girlfriend Jazz.
Marshal: You got that right. Just look at her as she sends a barrage of kicks to Jazz faces. What’s this Terri just put Jazz in the tarantula submission move.
Mclane: She has it locked tight, now it is only a matter of time before Jazz yells her submission.
Marshal: Do you remember David she has to striped to her bra and panties before she can yell her submission?
Back in the ring Terri has shifted her waited so she is still sitting on Jazz’s shoulders then she performs a reverse frakinstiner. That sends Jazz to her back, then Terri quickly comes over and takes off Jazz’s skirt and cutes matching shorts to oppose her in her pick silk thong. That is riding way up her crack.
Mclane: Look Terri has the first piece of clothing off of Jazz.
Back in the ring Terri lifts Jazz up to her feet knees her in the gut a couple of time. Doubling Jazz over. Terri then does a split and she right under Jazz and as she is about to throw a punch to Jazz’s chin, Jazz throws a axe handle punch right on top of Terri head. Stopping Terri before she could throw her punch and sending her crashing to the mat. Jazz this time lifts Terri up by her bikini top and throws her into the rope while still holding on to the top.
Mclane: Oh my gosh she not only grabbed Terri top but also her bra look Terri is naked and Jazz is holding Terri’s top and bra.
Marshal: Look like Jazz is has made the fight even one piece of clothing to one.
Back in the ring Terri is hold her chest as she rebounds so she does not see the clothesline coming. The clothesline flattens Terri to her back. Jazz picks Terri up again and throws her into the corner chest first.
(Camera the hold time is keeping a steady view on Terri chest the little chest that she has anyway).
Jazz is running a step behind Terri so as she hits she is followed by a big splash in the corner that flattens Terri’s chest again. Jazz then turns Terri around so she is facing her. Then Jazz delivers a chop that the whole crowd could here right to Terri chest. Only sound to come out of Terri was “ooooooo”, as she cried out in pain her submission. Jazz just looked at her smiling saying you can not end this till I strip you down to your panties just like you did to me.
Mclane: I can not believe this is still going on. We on air you know live and little kids are her seeing their American role model topless.
Marshal: Well what do you want me to do about it.
Mclane: I guess nothing, I just think it is wrong how she stripped her like that in front of all these people.
Back in the ring Jazz had Terri still in the corner in a headlock, she then started running an about half way she jumped and shifted all her weight on Terri head as she delivered a perfect bulldog. Then Jazz grabbed Terri by her panties under her shorts and started pull up on them in a giving Terri a big wedgie.
Mclane: Oh my gosh the pain she must be filling with her underwear riding up her crotch like that. Listen Lee I think I heard something snap.
Marshal: I heard it too, as a matter of fact the crowd heard it too as I think Terri thong just ripped.
Back in the ring Terri is on the ground in a fetal position holding her privates. Jazz capitalizes with Terri on the ground by taking her shorts off. Revealing the welts the wedgie had cause and also stripping Terri totally naked except for the few shreds of her thong that was left. Jazz then throws the shorts and picks up Terri and gives her finishing move the fisherman DDT.
Marshal: What a move I think Terri is out.
Mclane: Good because if she isn’t she is going to feel a lot of pain because just locked in her single leg crab.
Back in the ring Terri is basically out of it from the DDT, however the single leg crab bring her back, as she yells out to the ref she will not quit and give up her title. This causes Jazz to crank on the crab even harder. Terri cries and tries to crawl for the rope but just as it comes in arm reach Jazz pulls Terri back center of the ring and locks on her STF.
Marshal: I think this one is over, cause I know from experience that is hard to get out of the STF.
Mclane: I have to agree with you, only because of the way she cranking on the pressure. I hope Terri taps out soon, or else she will not be able to walk because Jazz is trying to cripple her.
Marshal: That it folk Terri just tapped out after fighting the STF for about three minutes it finally took it toll. And now we have a new champ Jazz from BLB Inc.
Mclane: Fans we will be back after these commercial with our next match for the tag team championship between WOW’s Cage Heat and BLB Inc.’s Chyna and Nicole Bass
Commercial Break
(Camera comes back to the ring with the backstage crew guys lowering the steel cage that the fight is going to take place in)
Marshal: Well folks this next match goes in our favor, because we are fighting in the home environment of our wrestlers Caged Heat.
Mclane: That’s correct ladies and gentlemen, this next match promises to be a good one. Now introducing from BLB Inc. Chyna and Nicole Bass. (Camera quickly goes from the Lee and David to Chyna and Nicole as they both come out wear leather dominatrix outfits Chyna was red and Nicole was black. The camera follows them to the ring and stays on them as they stretch.)
Marshal: I am getting word that Cage Heat has asked for a interview before they come out so we have our field reporter Julie Day there ready for the interview.
(Camera goes from Chyna and Nicole to Julie Day standing with Cage Heat and Vendetta)
Julie Day: Is there a reason why you wanted this interview
Delta Alota of Pain: Yeah we just wanted this stupid Caucasians to no that we have practicing for them.
Loca: Yep, that is right we have been practicing for them in the yard with all of are bitches. You know what Delta we should show them our tape from the yard we had made.
Delta: Yeah we should.
(Camera goes from them to the titantron where it shows a video clip of Cage Heat beating up the white girls from the prison facility. Doing a various moves on them, then it cuts to a part where there are all being pin. Then the little movie ends and the camera cuts back to Cage Heat and Julie Day)
Julie: It seems you guys are ready to go out there and destroy these girls on the behalf of WOW.
Delta: No we will not destroy them on the behalf of WOW. But just on the fact we like to see girls defeated by the hands of us.
Vendetta: Now bet on that bitch.
Then Vendetta slaps Julie Day and tosses her to Delta and Loca who performs hard time on her.
(Then the camera follows them out to the ring as they come to the ring with Vendetta wearing the black and white prison jump suits they were wearing in the interview with Julie Day)
Mclane: As I said before all of our women are wearing new outfits even Cage Heat are wearing the prison jump suits that their facility is using now.
Marshal: And look at this Cage Heat just ran down to the ring and starting pounding on Nicole and Chyna.
Back in the ring it looks like the match could be over before it started as each one of Cage Heat has control of Nicole and Chyna in the corners. Then Cage Heat prepares to throw Nicole and Chyna, however Chyna and Nicole reverse it throwing Cage Heat into each other. Cage Heat each stagger towards a corner and Nicole and Chyna both perform a sidewalk slam on one of the Cage Heat members.
Mclane: Well let me explain the rules of this match tag match. The rules are simple all participants wrestle at once and the team that gets both of its member outside the cage weather through the door or over it.
Back in the ring Chyna has Delta on her shoulders as she prepares to powerbomb her. On the other side of the ring Loca is pounding on Nicole with no prevail. Nicole finally gets tired of the little ignoring punches she was getting from Loca and then backslaps her into the ropes when she rebounds she powerslams her to the mat. Loca then is picked up and thrown into the steel cage where she falls to the mat and just lies there basically out from the slap and the powerslam. On the other side of the ring Delta is finally delivering some damage to Chyna after coming off the ropes and landing a front dropkick that staggers her. From that point on she has bringing to Chyna. She finally performs a standing jumping DDT that gets Chyna off her feet. But just as she gets Chyna down Nicole comes over and German suplexes her.
Marshal: So far it looks like Delta and Loca are having problems with Chyna and Nicole
Mclane: What are you talking about, Delta was really taking it to Chyna.
Marshal: Key word there is was.
Mclane: Whatever
Back in the ring as the men were bickering Nicole and Chyna converge on Delta as they both performed a double chokeslam on her that sent her to dream land. However Loca was coming to and knew that the only way to beat her bigger opponents were to take out their legs. Also she new Chyna had a weakness in her neck from the injury she received while in the WWE so that would be another point of attack. So while they were beating on Delta she was getting her senses back in working on a plan to take one of them out.
Mclane: Chyna and Nicole better watch out because Loca has just gotten up and looks ticked.
Marshal: You got that right partner. Look at her as she just stands there and sizes up her bigger opponent.
Mclane: Oh my gosh Lee did you see that knee tackle Loca just did to Nicole
taking the big woman down. Oh and Now she does the same to Chyna, look Lee she
has gotten both of her opponents down.
Back in the ring Loca converges on Chyna, knowing the best way to win this fight and to totally weaken one of her opponent and then take her time beating the other. So She locks a neck wrench onto Chyna. Immediately as Loca locks on the hold Chyna starts to scream for her to stop. Even with all the surgery and Chyna’s neck is still her weakest spot.
Marshal: Loca better watch out because Nicole is up.
Mclane: Not for long though because Delta justs took her back out with another knee tackle.
Marshal: It looks like Delta and Loca have a plan to work on certain spots of the body to weaken their bigger opponents.
Back in the ring Delta and Loca go to work on Chyna. First they throw her into the ropes and when she rebounds they hit her with their hard time. The same thing they did to Julie early. Then they both take turns clothes lining Chyna in the neck. Then to weaken Chyna some Loca lock on a sleeperhold right around Chyna neck. While she is doing this Delta goes over Nicole who was getting up from the knee tackle. Delta then dropkicks Nicole in the knee. Sending Nicole to the ground again then with Nicole on the ground she locks in a figure for leg lock on the left leg. This also happens to be the same leg that was receiving all the torture early.
Marshal: It looks like Cage Heat has this in the bag.
Mclane: I have to agree with you partner, because Chyna is out all her wailing and coughing has stopped. Now she is just a limp body in Loca grasp.
Marshal: Well that true but they still have Nicole, David.
Back in the ring Loca releases Chyna who is nothing more than a limp corpse. Now Loca and Delta both converge on Nicole. They send her hoping into the ropes when she rebounds they hit her with a double dropkick to her wounded leg/knee. Nicole lets out a little scream. Delta then climbs the turnbuckle and as she does Loca grabs Nicole who is on the ground screaming like a banshee about her leg/knee. Delta positions herself just right then Loca hands Nicole to Delta who holds her by the bad leg. Loca then gets on one knee, then with Loca on one knee Delta jumps from the top rope driving Nicole bad leg onto Loca’s knee. Sending a shock wave of pain to Nicole as she passes out from it.
(Camera goes from the scene of Cage Heat leaving their unconscious opponent in the ring to David and Lee at the announcer table)
Mclane: Lee it is over my girls won, look they are walking out of the cage now. They just beat to bigger women to retain their titles as the WOW world tag team champions.
Marshal: That right David, so we are tied in the matches one to one.
Mclane: That is right Lee.
Marshal: And now it is time for the third match on tonights card, we have a six women tag match.
Mclane: But before we get to the that I would like to think Taco Bell run for the boarder, and also Snicker Hungary why wait, and Wendys eat great even late, for sponsoring us tonight. And we will be back after these commercials.
Commercial Break
Mclane: Welcome back it is now time for our… Wait I getting word that there is a fight in the back.
(Camera goes from Mclane and Marshal to the back where Chyna and Nicole are converging on Vendetta.)
In the back Chyna and Nicole have just thrown Vendetta into a locker room she hits a locker goes down. Then Nicole grabs a bat and smashes it across Vendetta back then her head cutting her open with the blow. Then while Vendetta down Chyna prepares to sling shot her into the a locker but is cut short by none other than Riot.
Riot: What in the hell is going on here.
Chyna: Just taking out the garbage. (as she says that Nicole smashes a garbage can on her head knocking her unconscious with blow and Chyna slingshot Vendetta right into a locker cracking her open even further. Vendetta slumps to the ground and then Chyna and Nicole converge on Riot they grab a chair and start whacking her across the back with it as she lies on the ground letting out little moans here in there. Then Chyna places her chair on the ground and then picks up Riot in a front headlock and gives her a DDT right onto the chair.
Nicole: I want some of that.
So Nicole places her chair down on the ground and performs a well executed piledriver from off the bench onto the chair with Riot. And just as she does this Danger knocks on the door and comes in and sees Vendetta on the ground and Chyna and Nicole beating her partner Riot. Danger is ticked and comes and tries to stop the girls from doing any further damage to her partner. However Danger is given the same treat Riot was given for interfering in the business of Chyna and Nicole. Chyna and Nicole leave only after they have beaten all three of the girls badly.
Commercial Break
(Camera is in the ring with Mclane and Selina Majors)
Mclane: Now I know we all just witness that brutal beating Chyna and Nicole gave to Vendetta, Riot and Danger. All of who needed medical attention. So this left me with a dilemma. So BLB if you would come out here so we could talk this out.
(Camera goes to the ramp where BLB comes out and comes down to the ring flanked by Victoria, Midnight, and Aysa)
BLB: What is it Mclane.
Mclane: That attack by you girls left Selina here with no partner so instead of having her fight. Me and her have decided to forfeit the match to you.
BLB: Forfeit huh, I do not know about that. Let me talk it over with my girls and see what they think.
Mclane: It does not matter what they think. We forfeited the match okay fare and simple you get a win put into the federations column so it is now two wins to one.
BLB: Okay whatever Mclane. Lets just make sure me and my girls do not get anymore forfeit okay.
Mclane: Keep your girls away from mine until match time and well maybe we wouldn’t have to forfeit.
(Camera goes to BLB and Mclane as they have a intense stare down as we go to commercial)
Commercial Break
Mclane: Well folks it is now time for the Clipper on the pole match.
Marshal: And man is it going to be dandy. As a matter of fact her comes our newest addition to our federation Luna.
(Camera shoots to Luna coming down the ramp and getting in the ring wearing a pair of black leather hot pants, black wrestling boots, and a black bikini and a Mohawk hairstyle.
Marshal: It looks like Luna has real, advantage here with the look she already have the bald look would actually make her look a bit better than what she looks like now.
(Camera goes from Luna stretching in the ring to the ramp where Molly Holly comes out wearing a blue dress/skirt with halter top, and also is barefoot and blonde haired)
Marshal: Here comes a girl I help train, and judging by the looks of things she is going back to her original persona Mona from WCW.
In the ring the bell sounds as Molly Holly enters the ring making the match official. And as she enters Luna goes to work on her grabbing right as she enters and suplexing her to the mat. Then while still holding on to her she gives her a repeated suplex to the mat. Luna attempts another one, but Molly Holly blocks it and instead suplexes Luna. Molly Holly and Luna lay on the ground both trying to shake of the other early offensive move. They both get up at about the same time and Luna runs and jumps on Molly giving her a low thez press then she start throwing blows onto Molly’s face with her fist. Molly somehow hooks her legs over Luna flying arms and rolls Luna for a two count.
Mclane: That was a close one Molly almost stole a quick victory.
Back in the ring Molly picks Luna up and gives her standing dropkick. This causes Luna to bounce in the ropes and as she rebounds Molly hits her with sidewalk slam. Then Molly pick Luna up again grabs her in a front headlock and performs a well timed DDT. Right in the middle of the ring. Molly again goes for the pin trying to get a quick win but only gets a two count again. Molly picks Luna up, but as she picks Luna she gets a punch to the gut by Luna that doubles her over. Luna then gets outs Molly head between her thighs and with all her strength she lifts Molly on her shoulders and powerbombs her to the mat. Molly and Luna both go down after the move and the ref start to count both the girls out.
Mclane: five…six.. I think this thing is going to end in a double count out.
Marshal: Spoke to soon partner cause Luna is up and ready to give Molly some more punishment.
Back in the ring Luna gets up picks up Mona and throws her outside the ring. Luna goes outside and picks up Molly who is starting to slowly come to and delivers a powerful forearm shot right to Molly temple that sent her in the railing. Luna then grabbed Molly and lifted her up and a body press position and then dropped her onto the steel railing separating the fans from the ring. Molly hit was a boom and then slumped to the floor. Luna then casually walks over to the ring and slightly rolls in and back out to restart the count.
Marshal: Now that is smart wrestling right there.
Mclane: That is why I hired her for this fed.
Back outside the ring Luna has Molly’s head between her thighs, she then lifts Molly up in a inverted bearhug position (piledriver) and then piledrives Molly’s head into the mat.
Mclane: What force, what athleticism.
Marshal: This Luna is the real deal Mclane, it looks like she has this thing in the bag.
Back outside the ring Luna is picking Molly up and throwing her back in the ring where she can have some more fun with her before she pins her. However as Luna gets in Molly who basically running on empty lands a weak left hook that knock down Luna.
Mclane: That punch did not look like it had anything behind it.
Marshal: It had to have some thing behind it because it knocked down Luna.
Mclane: Maybe it just caught her by surprise.
Back in the ring both girls are down, however as the ref starts counting Molly gets up and runs to the turnbuckle. She climbs the turnbuckle and then when she is on the top turnbuckle she leaps of and hits Luna with a five star frog splash. Mona then again goes for the pin, but Luna somehow got her foot on the rope, with only a split second to spare.
Mclane: No it’s over.
Marshal: Nope Luna got her foot on the rope with a split second left. Go ahead and fuss with the ref Molly, we saw it she got to the ropes.
Back in the ring Molly and the ref are arguing, this allows Luna to sneak up behind Molly and roll Molly up in a school boy pin. Luna then grabs the tights the ref does not see it and she get the pin.
Mclane: That was a good match, a real back in forth one, but my girl prevailed as the winner.
Marshal: So that even the contest two matches to two.
Mclane: It is now time for Luna to get to the clippers and start shaving Molly.
Marshal: Luna better look out because Molly is ticked.
Back in the ring Luna is on the turnbuckle trying to get the clippers when Molly climbs up after her and grabs her from behind in gives her a top rope german suplex that sends Luna to dream land.
Mclane: Oh my gosh what a move. I guess Molly really did not want to lose her hair.
Marshal: I guess so, well folks it is now time for our main event owner against owner, so stay tune.
Commercial Break
(Camera is in the ring where BLB has already been introduce wearing a pair of Carolina blue basketball shorts, a bulls Michael Jordan jersey 45 and white air force ones.)
Marshal: And now coming out from the back is David Mclane. Wearing the same gear he had on when he was announcing in? What is going on.
(Camera stays on Mclane who stays at the top of the ramp he signals for the music to cut and then started speaking in the microphone he had with him)
Mclane: Well BLB this is what I call the best plan I have ever thought of. Because well I know if I got in there and wrestled you. You would probably kill me I hired a person for the this one time only show to represent me, also I made him a part of owner of my share of the company. I think many of you call him The Undertaker.
(Camera shoots to the tall man coming from behind the curtain. It is him the Undertake in the flesh.)
Mclane: So you see I did not lie to you as I see you are mouthing. Because yes he is co owner so this is owner against owner, also I am a train and karate at a black belt. But you know what I am not dumb, I knew you would kill me and a matter of seconds if I stepped in the ring. However this fight is for the sole ownership of WOW okay.
(Camera then follows Mclane and Undertaker as they circle the ring and Undertaker makes sure Mclane makes it to his seat and is not jumped by BLB. Undertaker then gets in the ring and the match starts)
Marshal: Thanks goodness you had a plan, because if you had really fought BLB I knew I would have been out of a job.
Mclane: Have some faith in me I am not that dumb.
In the ring the bell rings and Undertaker and BLB circle around looking for a opening Undertaker sees it and grabs BLB by his neck and give him a chokeslam that shakes the ring, and BLB. Then Undertaker picks BLB up and throws him into the turnbuckle. Undertaker comes running across the ring and attends on giving him a splash but BLB moves out the way. BLB knows that he has to be fast to be able to stay in this. He did not realize that Mclane would be this tricky.
Mclane: I had a feeling tonight was going to come down to the last match and wanted it to be a tough one that is why I gave some of the company to Undertaker to set this whole thing up.
Marshal: Now that was the smart David.
Back in the ring BLB tries to give Undertake a powerbomb, but Undertaker is to heavy so he changes it over to pedigree face crusher. This stuns Undertaker for a two count. BLB roll off Undertaker, and Undertaker sit right up after the blow and come over to BLB and backs him down into a corner. BLB see that he is in a corner and start firing blows onto Undertaker trying to get himself out of the corner, but the blow do nothing except make the Undertaker mad. So her grabs BLB by the neck and throws him back into the turnbuckle. He then starts throwing back elbows into BLB’s face. Then with BLB about on dream street, he him up and places him on the turnbuckle and gives him a top rope superplex that shakes the ring.
Mclane: Undertaker is really taking it to him.
Marshal: That is because of that smart move you pulled, BLB thought he was going to be facing you but pulled a good switch-a-roo on him.
Mclane: Ha ha ha I know that was smart of me wasn’t.
Back in the ring Undertaker has BLB in set up for his finishing move the tombstone piledriver. Then with BLB in place he hits the piledriver driving BLB head into the canvas as he stands over BLB looking at him like a piece of trash. Then Undertaker pins BLB thinking he had him beat, but BLB had to much riding on this match so he fights it and get a foot on the rope before the ref get to three, stopping the count. Undertaker is ticked so he decides to finish BLB once and for all. So Undertaker grabs BLB’s arm and climbs the turnbuckle and walk across the ropes, about to hit him with the old school clothesline.
Mclane: Undertaker is getting fed up with this kid he about to send him away with the old school clothesline from the top rope.
Marshal: Their he goes he just jumped and connect and lands on top of BLB, but wait they rolled and BLB ends up on top of Undertaker and gets the pin.
Mclane: No my federation has been won by a no good for nothing punk.
Marshal: Well folks this looks like the last broadcast by me and David
(Camera shows David getting up and going into the ring with a microphone in his hands)
Mclane: You had one job, god damn it and you could not even do that, jeez I could have done better than that.
(Camera shows the anger of Undertaker as he glares down at Mclane)
Then Undertaker grabs Mclane and chokeslams him to the mat. Then he picks up Mclane and gives him the last ride. Around this time BLB is starting to get up. Undertaker see this and is ticked that he got beat by a no name nigga so he pick up BLB and gives him a last ride right on top David. Then Undertaker leaves the ring, leaving both owner knocked out as the show ends.