Throwing Shade
Isis and Athena vs. Trechelle and Cyn
By Deacon

“To talk trash about a friend or acquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect.”….Throwing Shade

The trouble with Gossip, is that it’s like herpes, no matter what you say or do it won’t go away. As adults some of us learn just to ignore gossip and to get on with our lives. However most of us don’t grow up so we like curious children try to chase it away or capture and tame it to no avail.

One would think that after the severe thrashing and complete ‘ownage’ of Ms. Marie Odette Devereux by the stunning and vigorous Trechelle Veronique the damaging rumor of Ms. Veronique’s alleged am-bi-sexuality. Though Ms. Devereux repented and recanted in public and private the ugly rumor persisted and even mutated making it hard for Trechelle at work and at home. No matter about the rumors Ms. Veronique chose to take it all in stride like the professional lady she has always been. Well she did until two ladies who kept the rumor going challenged her to a specialty tag match.

Someone said it “all we need is space and opportunity” one
year in early Fall Mekeba decided to have a “Tag Team Tournament of Champions” Opponents were chosen by lottery. Trechelle and Cyn were partners and had handily vanquished every team that stood before them, between T’s encyclopedic knowledge of holds and counter holds and Cyn repertoire of painful assaults, they were a daunting duo. Enjoyment was not a strong enough word to describe the thrill they received when beating down another set of ladies. But the names they pulled in the third round of fight moved them to complain to Mekeba’s face.

The Set Up

“Awh come on boss lady! Me and Cyn against Isis and that lil girl?!
We need some real ‘comp’!” Protested Trechelle. I mean give us a team that can bring it like “Diaspora” {a team comprised of a big Texas girl and a powerful Somolian beauty}
“Oh I see well I just thought that you and Cyn would want these two after all that’s been said” Mekeba was in full “mess mode”
“Say again?” asked Trechelle.
“Well, you remember that horrible rumor that Marie Devereux was spreading about you?” It seems that Isis and her little friend are continuing that tale and adding to it. “
“Uhh huh!” replied Trechelle with an angered southern tone while half dropping and locking her jaw like a “good old’ boy” who just saw a white woman and a colored guy cuddling in public.
According to the legend it seems now that your “friend” has left the company you have taken up with Cyn informed in a matter of fact kind of way Makeba with a smirk “ta boot”.

“That hypocritical B!%@#! She has been an “Imposter” for as long as I’ve know her and I never judged her for that thinking it must be hard for her living two lives!” By this time the irate Trini Gal was pacing back and forth. Trechelle while in mid rant reached for her i90c and chirped Cyn summoning her to Makeba’s office. Cyn saw them through the window but still gave the appropriate nock before entering; “What’s up?” She asked guilelessly smiling. Trechelle filled Cyn in on the story.
You know them hefa’s said we was lesbian lova’s ?! reported Trechelle striking a pose with her hands on her well-formed hips.
“What ?!” asked Cyn with a frown, folded arms and a pose of her own. So that b!%@#! Thinks she can throw shade without consequence?! Ok then so much for going easy on their lame @$$#$!” said Cyn. What a minute! “Them b!%@#$ don’t even know me, how could they lie like that?!” Cyn questioned and she joined her partner in pacing a grove in Makeba’s carpeted floor. “Especially that little one I don’t even know that little c()^^%! to speak to her!”

“She’s just following Isis, you should see them together; if Isis farted hard enough that lil b!%@#’s head would explode” explained Trechelle. Makeba cover her mouth and turned her prodigious backside to them in order to conceal her laughter.
“In any event she’s about to follow Isis into a serious @$$! Whoopin’!” declared Cyn.

“Can we set the rules?” asked Trechelle turning towards Makeba
“You are the senior team” replied their boss.
“Since they put that out there lets have the best four out of seven falls, the win is measured by to things:
Subduing and then “pinfall se reposant de visage de dix comptes”

{Musashi said you can beat your opponent with brut force, superior fighting skill, a look or your spirit but I don’t think he had women fighting in mind because with women there is one more thing: ‘humiliation’. Trechelle and Cyn were determined to accomplish two things; to beat and embarrass Isis and Athena.}

{When I was a boy there was a kid on our block who had a boa, he would feed the snake mice while the rest of us watched. Some like me, watched in horror, other’s gazed libidinously finding it exhilarating.}

Makeba had the same look in her eye because she wanted to see Isis and Athena devoured by Cyn and Trechelle seemingly just for the hell of it. Because of inconsolable rage neither Cyn nor Trechelle noticed it at the time; their buttons was being pushed, by their boss and mentor.

The Marvel ‘SuperSheroes’ Have Arrived

Isis McMillan and Athena Singletary; two up and coming stars in Mekeba brown’s underground “girls Fight Club” at CompuTech.
These young women were luminaries on the job and a force to be reckoned with among the fighters at night. Isis was the leader, not only of Athena but also of elite-fighting cliques who called themselves
“The Marvel Super SHEROES”. Adopting this title for their fighting clique came quit by happenstance. One day Fich G-Man and I were visiting Mekeba’s establishment looking for new prospects for a coming tourney when several young ladies wearing skin tight cat suites and when old G Man saw them he said they had bodies like “Marvel Super Heroes”. Among them was Nyabingi born in Ghana raised in Detroit and Makeba’s former All Round Champion until she walk off the job one day. In her company were Isis and Athena who wearing matching cat suites the color of the official African flag Nyabini in red, Isis in Black and Athena in green.

Isis became the leader when Nyabingi disappeared; she was completely comfortable in the role. Like an Olympic coach she determined what the girls workout routine would be at LA Fitness, setting up practice sessions with wrestling and jiu jitsu coaches and she even hosted parties (when he husband was out of town); at her home featuring highlights of various matches of themselves and their opponents.

Those who know Isis best refer to her as “Every Woman”, this nickname came about when a regional director was visiting and having a getting to know you session with the lower and mid-level management. Typical phony smiles and laughter at the visiting dignitary’s unimaginably corny jokes, nametags and the excruciating “introducing yourself to the group” sessions. The session where Isis was christened “Every Woman “ went a little like this
(Polite clapping for the last person who introduced himself)
Then Isis confidently stood to her feet, Isis was wearing a very flattering Liz Clayborne Daffodil colored suit with a matching flower print skirt that highlighted her Serena Williams-like physique.

“Hello everyone my name is Mrs. Isis Phillips-McMillan, I have been with CompuTech for three years and moved into management after six months…I’m happily married to a wonderful man who works of shore for a Brazilian oil interest (PetroBraz) and he is also the musical director at our church …no children yet but we plan to have four if The Lord allows (complete with a sanctimonious smile). I work out four times a week (running, weights and dance). etc etc etc….

Almost all the men in the room especially the visiting executives were sitting upright for her obvious skilled oratory and business erudition and the vigorous femininity of her celestial physique.

The most remarkable thing about Isis was her duplicitous nature; yes like us all she was flawed. At an early age Isis came to realize she liked girls as much as she liked boys and the curious thing is that she enjoyed to be dominated in the male/female relationship but she wanted to be the dominant one in the female/female hence Isis played the submissive Christian wife at home and in the “public eye” and she was “Queen Bull Dike” behind closed doors.

Isis influence over the young women in her department was remarkable especially over one Ms. Athena Singletary.
Athena was for lake of a better term….. a “reformed ghetto chick”
and she saw Isis as a mentor who could lead her out of her common lifestyle.

However Isis was a poor imitation of Trechelle who she secretly hated and admired simultaneously;(I don’t even think Isis realized the “hate part.) But she did more than realize the admiration often fantasizing about secret rendezvous with Trechelle, which was ridiculous because Ms. Veronique was 100% heterosexual. What is regrettable inside and out of the lesbian community is the notion that if a girl/woman is physical and aggressive she is lesbian or at least “bi”. Isis was involved in all the physical activities that Trechelle was involved in coming up but Isis did not have the drive to be the best like Trechelle. Though Isis was undefeated in all her matches and street battles her record was tainted because unlike Trechelle Isis never fought anyone she wasn’t sure she could defeat.

Isis was Daughter of the head deacon/assistant pastor at the Guiding Light Baptist church and the wife of the music minister at the Higher Living Nondenominational Worship Center; she could not afford to be bi-sexual, she just couldn’t. However like the rest of us unless God intervenes she was overtaken by her sins and weaknesses and could not be quiet about it.

Someone said it “what is done in the dark shall come to the light”. . Always playing it safe until now, Isis’ secret lesbian activities would be revealed when she out of paranoia tried to ‘out’ Trechelle but that infelicitous communication was as the old heads “letting her alligator mouth get her canary @$$ in trouble!”

The best description of this mentoring relationship I can give you is the budding relationship between one Ms. Kimberly Denise Jones aka Lil Kim and Mrs B. Smith host of the Sindicated Lifestyles Show. B. With Style. When Kim was a little girl she would watch B’s show every Saturday dreaming of becoming “a proper black lady” like B. was. One year she had her people call B’s people to express this and B graciously conscented to have her as a guest. Kim to every instuction and correction like a detoutee of some obscure responding only with a child-like “yes ma’am accompanied by a greatful smile.
Even when B showed disdain for Kim’s latest album and refused to plug it because of the content and cover Kim only displayed gratitude that B. contented to aknowlege her presence.

Athena was a failed scholar-athlete in school; not because she did not make good enough grades to play or because she was a bench warmer, it was her temperament. In one week this star volleyball and track athlete with a 3.4 grade average was thrown off the team and expelled for fighting an assistant coach and the principal’s personal assistant. Both young ladies were dating a certain Theater and Visual Arts Teacher who in a pedophile rage was hot after the matchless body of young Ms. Singletary. Athena did not flirt with this man or lead him on; it was his sick and undisciplined desire for a child and his general womanizing that was to blame but nonetheless Athena was held responsible for the whole fiasco. To her credit Athena fight the whole thing through arbitration and was ultimately reentered school while the “adults” were reassigned. Added satisfaction to her victory was the fact that she beat two grown women into submission; the assistant coach (who outweighed Athena by at least sixty pounds) she forced into tearful verbal submission and the principal’s assistant, Athena thrashed her until the woman wet herself and passed out. Athena was more than just talk and had no doubt that she and her mentor would be victorious..

Beatdown Eve

Carlton Philips was what you called a hard but fair man and more sensitive to his wife of six years than anyone allowed to know.

What’s wrong Boo? Asked Carlton as he watched the love of his life stare up into the twilight while rubbing and caressing her arms as if she were cold.
“I‘ve been lying to you”
About what?
Being a Virgin
Who was he?
“Nnnot he” she confessed
“What ?! What do you mean, not he?”
I mean I’m I’m I’m a ….
“A Lesbian.”
Carlton suddenly releases his embrace and breaks into uncontrollable laughter.
“What is so D@^^#d! funny!”
This this this thing; he said continuing to chuckle.
What thing ? Stop laughing Carlton! Stop it! She demanded punching him in his massive chest while he half blocked overwhelmed by laughter.
It’s just ironic …all my life and all of our marriage I have tried to safe guard you from the stereotypical notion that all church musicians are gay or pedophiles and here you are the PK the musician’s wife a lesbian. So you got a girl friend?
“A girl friend, I mean I figure you are not going to confess unless you have been unfaithful.”
“What is wrong with you! I’m trying to quit!” Isis proclaimed.
“I’m sorry Boo I was just playin’ “
“You play to much” she said giving him a shove
“Well, with a thing like this you can’t just go cold turkey so why don’t we just wean you off slowly”
“What are you talking about?!”
“Well Babe I was thinking I could help you work through it you know get it out of your system”
“And how would you do that?
“Well you know that little Asian eyed sista’ you have been hanging out with lately
Ahtena? He nodded and smiled
What tha F()@%! You sick b@$%@&! I’m leaving Isis screamed heading for the door.
“Baby wait!” he pleaded
“I’m gone I’ll get my S#!%! in the morning!
“Isis wait, I was just joking Girl, come back!” He starts after her as he realizes she is serious about leaving when she grabs her car keys off the key rack by the front door. Isis is finished talking to him and marches toward their wrought iron gate, which she slammed, into his bulging crotch leaving him holding himself and on the ground writhing in pain.

Isis dried her tears fixed her face and spent the rest of the night at Athena’s pretending that she wanted to go over strategy but in reality she wanted to draw from the young woman’s intensity and confidence.

Bringing Some To Get Some

Choosing a venue for a fight is very delicate operation if the promoter is to be fair or at least if he is to make it interesting so I created one; a twenty foot squared cage. The venue was located in a giant lot I purchased on the west side of Houston (of course); it had two compartments so that the combatants could fight simultaneously. Also a movable gate in the middle set on a timer so that all four may engage periodically during the match. I officially named the match a “Parallel Universe Extreme Collarbone to Toe Match” In order to capture this momentous event twelve cameras will be used eight stationary and four moving and last but not least taped battle will be edited by “Shawn, From Zee Fuchau!”

Women from both teams were lowered into the separate compartments and when the buzzer sounded they began their simultane’ batailles femelles.

Attire for the match were No Poke Low Cut Sports Bras protecting and pronouncing their succulent mammary of sundry proportions and G String bottoms which displayed the outline of their tender parts while shielding plain sight of their delicate female substructure at the same time these garments exhibited the spherical magnificence of their ample and rivaling feminine pulchritude. {I was nearly overwhelmed}

In section one was Trechelle and Isis; I really thought I knew how this would go but I am learning even in my later years not to predict prognosticate or prophesy in these matters because there are always unknown factors that may weigh in. For instance Isis though putting on a game face her eyes revealed the most profound fear; after all she was in a confined space about to battle an angered Trechelle Veronique of the Purple Dragons from Trinidad. On the other hand Trechelle looked like a great cat about to devour its prey.

Both women rushed toward the center of the room to engage; half way across Trechelle took to the air like a Romanian gymnast doing a floor exercise. Isis halted clumsily slipped fell backward then curiously raised her right leg and stuck her size ten and a half foot (Isis’ only physical flaw were those Fats Whaller “Ya Feets Too Big!” dawgs of hers) in the air perpendicular to her fallen body. What seemed to be the beginning of the end for Isis was her miracle mishap. Trechelle’s plan was to attack Isis from above crashing into her collarbone with a devastating elbow attack; instead the island beauty was all but impelled on the edge of Isis’ foot knocking the air from Trechelle’s body and leaving her momentarily dangling and gasping for air. Isis wasted no time, she grabbed Trechelle by her dark curled tress flip slamming her to the deck then hoisting herself to her feet she turned toward a distressed and quivering Trechelle who was making a horrible hissing sound as she fought desperately to gain much needed air. Isis knew well Trechelle’s reputation for recovery during a skirmish so she continued her attack with a triple summersault booty drops causing more breathing difficulties for Trechelle as well as the painful swelling of the Trini Gal’s tits like two balloons being squeezed at one end. Trechelle would have uncharacteristically cried out but she still did not have sufficient air. Isis then arose from crushing Trechelle’s chest and nearly bursting her glossy, sodden and distended breasts then stepped back about a foot rolled Trechelle over grabbed her by the ears curling her head toward her chest until Trechelle was forced into a wobbling bent over position in front of her.

Isis then cinched Trechelle’s head between her vigorous and well-formed thickness into a butt quivering scissor while using a lower stomach and crotch lock double claw technique Isis mercilessly hoisted Trechelle into an inverted position readying for the impending grandma of all pile-drivers. Isis was not one to take chances she did not make the drop until she was sure the pressure she was placing on her worthy opponent was complete; so when Trechelle ceased hissing and gasping Isis dropped the Pile Driver and Trechelle for the first time in her life was out cold and ripe for Isis’ exotic pin. With haste Isis inverted her seat, thigh-locked Trechelle’s sinewy upper arms grabbed the top part of Trechelle’s tress from behind and bracing her position leaning forward on Trechell’s pelvis Isis guided Trechelle face to nose into her libidinous lock. Easily eclipsing Trchelle’s gorgeous face with her mighty base Isis sensual ten count made a distinct vacuuming resonance that resounds in my psyche to this very day.

{When two people are locked in combat there are several things to watch for that indicate which way the pingelum of victory swings: moves, counter moves, foot work, breathing, perspiration, pain thresholds, involuntary sounds etc..but nothing gives a fighter away like the look in her eyes. Though she was being totally dominated, Trechelle still had "the I’m gonna whoop yo @$$!" look fixed on Isis and though Isis had poured her self onto Trechelle like caramel on French vanilla that look let me know that Trechelle was not done yet.}

Meanwhile in a parallel universe: Cyn was not much for words when it was time for battle and neither was Athena. Spending a few brief moments in pre-fight glowers gave the spectators a view of their unmatchable womanly forms:
Cyn’s massive athletic body type was off set by her sexy curves; Latifah like breasts, Janet’s tummy and Serena’s arms, legs and bottom swathed in velvety peanut butter colored skin. Cyn’s broad shoulder and V shaped back gave the impression that she was bigger than she was. ‘Not daunted by Cyn’s size’ was an understatement; the beautiful brown Asian-Eyed cutie’s body radiated with anticipation. Every part of Athena’s anatomy was more than eager to lock horns with the larger girl. Aching to bring the pain so to speak Cyn dashed in a straight line towards little Athena like a train headed for a stray animal and in one mighty bound Cyn took flight into a flying- cross-body-block like the exciting Mexican Luchador Mil Mascaras intending to crush the smaller woman. We who were watching figured Athena’s fate was sealed but the little ghetto girl had another idea which showed us all just how formidable she was; Athena met Cyn in the air, flipped her then came down on top of her with a Big Thump Body Slam (The late great Junk Yard Dogg would have been proud) This countermove by Athena left Cyn literally breathless and before Cyn could recover Athena took to the air again and executed an “On Bak” double knee drop targeting Cyn’s sternum and crotch; she did not miss. Cyn was not only unable to breath but the pain in her lower womanly region was so severe the only focus Cyn had left was to hold her water. Athena talked a lot of trash before the fight but she was not as cocky as she seemed; she knew whom she was fighting; The Queen of The Body Thump.

Knowing that she could not let the powerfully built beauty recuperate so she continued her onslaught of devastating moves; knee strikes to the ribs solar plexus and a flurry of punches and elbows to the clavicle, breasts, abdominal and labia. Normally Athena had smaller opponents that she would wrap into some small painful submission package but she determined that was not the way to go with Cyn who could muscle her way out of almost any hold and recover faster than most other women. Instead Athena launched a series of slams and drops; five Northern Light Suphlex maneuvers, seven atomic drops, and ending three Standing Face Drops. Needless to says after this series of devastating moves Cyn was prepped and ready for Athena’s Filipino Reverse Visage Smother Pin. As Athena sat carefully into the pin the center of Cyn’s lovely mask disappeared then with remarkable inner physical ability Athena elevated shook Cyn’s head without hands. Evident from the motion of her sexy cascading outer abdominal wall and the oscillating rhythm of her perfect glutei Athena dribbled Cyn’s head ten times for the required count.

There it was, something no one expected; Isis and Athena with two almost simultaneous victorious pin-falls over the mighty team of Trechelle and Cyn.

Then the middle gate opened…………..

When Worlds Collide

“Hurry lil girl get in here before it closes don’t worry about Cyn, Trechelle is the dangerous one! Athena hurdled the opening and joined her partner in the other compartment. Because their rounds were over they could not attack Trechelle right away so they stood sentinel in front of her moist scarlet and bruise riddled physique awaiting the bell to ring so that they could finish her off with a double team. By this time Trechelle was on all fours panting like a great exhausted her epigastria highlighting her rib cage and abdominal buttressing. Viewing these three breathtaking perspiration sodden panting beauties while they were awaiting the next round of action was like viewing a moving mosaic of feminine delights. As Isis chest ascended Athena’s descended and Trechelle’s glutei led her two waiting assailants in quivering involuntarily like thoroughbred racehorses. They took my breath away.

“Why can’t we just stomp the b!%@#! And get this over with?” questioned Athena anxiously.
“Because it ‘s the rules lil girl if we do that we lose the round!”
So, we are ahead two and this neither of these b!%@#es are doin' a Luke Skywalker”
Isis slowed down her speech and lowered her voice f so as to have a teaching moment with her mentoree. “Athena, if we lose a round we have to lay down stick out our tongues like at the doctor and let her drop-it-like it’s hot on our faces”
“Eeewwww! She blurted shriveling up her pretty face. “Ok I’m down with the rules”

Then the alarm sounded and they moved quickly toward Trechelle who was still on all fours with her head bowed and her tress covering her expression. Trechelle with the speed of a she-cobra hopped to a squat ejecting both hands from her waist and connecting double panther-fists to their pelvis bones. Sounding like dueling sopranos at they simultaneously rose to the ball of their feet and before they could come down or fall back Trechelle struck with knuckle fists to their solar plexus and open hands to their throats dropping them like Evergreens in Seattle.

Trechelle sprung and pounced on Isis quickly applying a face- to- face headlock pressing her nose against Isis’ nose until she heard a pop. Both women had somewhat extended and posh looking proboscis but judging from Isis yelping Trechelle’s did not give way.
I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time but it was not, she should have subdued the young one first the one with the greatest ability to recover and crash her knee into Trechelle’s back. Athena peeled Trechelle off of and quickly lock on a rear naked choke, Trechelle’s immediate response was to bridge out and try to free herself up and down by using sinew-claws on Athena’s forearm and upper thigh. The rear naked choke is at it’s prettiest when one well built woman puts it on another especially when the victim is as strong as the Trinidadian lovely like Trechelle. Nothing like perspiring glutei glimmering and aquiver under the arena lights along with the sexy call and response of conqueror and conquered until Trechelle went limp.
“That’s three, one more and these suspects are captured, arrested and booked” quipped Athena to Isis as she and performed her ten necessities.

Just then the middle door began to close and like Wonder Woman to the rescue Cyn came flying horizontally through the opening, in what looked like a single motion Cyn scooped up Isis shoulders to thighs using Isis’s tits for leverage raised her up then Power-bombed her into the deck. Athena rush towards the raging “Dahomey” but too late Cyn turned thrust kicked Athena in the right tit soliciting an uncharacteristic cry of pain;”Oh god! My Titty!” she went to her back with a thud nursing her wounded mammary. Cyn took to the air and dropped double knees in Athena’s vulnerable abdominal area. Surprisingly (or maybe not) Cyn did not finish her off right away but stood stepped back and demanded that Athena get up and face her.
Athena rolled away to a safe distance caught her breath and reconciled herself to pain past present and future. Now the two luscious combatants gently rested their foreheads together raised their firsts breast high ad in the words of Jethro Bodine, they commenced ta whampin’ on each other.

Meanwhile a few feet away Trechelle and Isis silently agreed to settle their last battle with grappling; frankly to my surprise and to the other onlooker a masterful wrestling match occurred between the two for thirty delightful minutes. Naturally we were not surprised at all with Trechelle’s array of moves, reversals, drops, slams throws strike and blocks after all she was “Triple T” The Tantalizing Trinidadian Terror, mistress of move and counter moves. What took us by surprise was Isis who gave as good as she got with an arsenal of impressing, thigh quivering and butt quaking punishments of her own. Their near nude sweaty quivering bodies undulating and spanking the floor was a sight to behold.

Eventually Isis was on her back but she still managed to lock on a scissor hold trapping Trechelle’s upper left arm and head with her well-formed legs and succulent thighs. Trechelle responded with a tripod stance to keep Isis on the bottom and to lessen the effectiveness of her scissor-lock also grabbing the tress of her opponent with the hand of the trapped arm and a hand full of tit with the other. Only Amazonian Strength could describe Trechelle’s next move; she hoisted Isis by tit and hair and pummeled her into the floor repeatedly for nearly three minutes until she broke Isis’ hold and caused her to groan and gasp as air was pressed from her contorted frame forcefully. Trechelle crossed her right leg between Isis’ then pressed Isis collarbone bracing her self with her left leg and pushing Isis right leg toward the floor rendezvousing with Isis head, which Trechelle cranked, by the locks.

Isis was trying desperately to fend off Trechelle with her left foot but to no avail. Isis was in a corner, clavicle being crushed, leg contorted, stomach crunched, hair being pulled slowly at the root and her free limbs were no help at all. Isis only had one recourse; in Isis travels with the company she spent time as a trainer in Juarez Mexico where she spent evenings in cantinas that were off the beaten path so to speak; learning certain curious corporeal/pugilism that town has become famous for so in desperation she pressed her heal into Trechelle’s lower back and thrust herself toward Trechelle for a vulvastic confrontation which Trechelle gladly accepted. Isis figured this would be her secret weapon that would either devastate or humiliate Trechelle into defeat.

Little did Isis know that Trechelle had mastered the
“o fechamento portugues da vulva” when she traveled for the company spending six months in Rio. So the mutual internal vacuity of succulence began. How could we tell? Their cursing, moaning, reciprocally furious epigastria and struggle moist glutei only evidenced it. “Ahhh! Ok Ok! I give I give!” screamed a weeping whimpering Isis who was being dragged across the room in this curiously corporal clasp by an angry growling Trechelle who ignored Isis first pitiful cries but finally released her to convulsing and holding herself like a child who could hold it no longer. Trechelle wasted no time she quickly locked on the standard “pinfall se reposant de visage de dix comptes”

In the meantime the other ladies thumped each other for twenty-five minutes like two Mexican featherweight boxers. Eventually Cyn’s mighty power and skills overwhelmed Athena forcing her to turn to the side and back into a corner. Cyn hooked Athena’s leg with hers pinned her into the corner where she bombarded young Athena with a series of upper cuffs and hooks to the chest and ribs from the front and crisp elbow strikes to the trapezium and back area, with an occasional swift knee to the kidneys. Athena slumped but could not fall without Cyn’s say so; finally the Texas Amazon released her and she slumped to the floor in a quivering heap of moist pulp. Convinced Athena was out cold; and she was; Cyn seated her self grabbed Athena’s tress from the top, leaned back then positioned her defeated foe for the Inverse Alien School Girl Succubus Pin. Cyn’s ten count was slow and deliberate hoping that her victim would awaken in the midst of the humiliating procedure.

The rounds were almost even; Trechelle and Cyn only glance at each other and somehow they knew what they had to do. Laying both their opponents side by side head to toe they both proceeded to alternate devastating drop techniques on Isis and Athena’s torsos then culminated in Inverted Match Box Face Sit Pins gaining two more ten count pin falls to the other girl’s three, it was over.

Trechelle and Cyn raised their fists simultaneously in hard fought victory. The stood to their feet hugged each other and walked away from the losers, they stopped turned and looked at each other’s battle worn hair faces and bodies then they simultaneously blurted out “D@^^! GURL, THAT B!%@#! WHOOPED YOUR @$$!