Family Feud Lady Jane 5




It took much longer to travel around in those days than it does now and it was the usual way of doing things for travellers of a certain class to break their journeys at the homes of other members of the same class. Thus it was that Lady Jane and Lady Anne did not return directly from Lady Anne's London home, but paused initially for two nights at the home of Lord and Lady Montgomery.

Still living at home were three daughters aged from 18 to 22 and, at the time of their visit, their eldest married sister of 25 was also present. The four sisters were far from looking alike, except for one thing, each had the self-same long pointed nose, inherited from their mother.

“All the better for poking into people's affairs!” was Lady Margaret's favourite remark when she caught people staring at her proboscis.

On the first morning just after their arrival, Lady Jane had a disagreement with the four sisters concerning how they were to spend their afternoon. Lady Anne was not taking part in the discussion, until she heard voices raised. Looking up she saw the eldest sister swing a punch at Lady Jane, a punch which Lady Jane ducked with ease, burying her fist in the sister's stomach in retaliation. How matters would have continued is debatable, but the intervention of the girl's mother, whom no-one had seen arrive, avoided any immediate consequences.

“Ladies, ladies. This is no way for ladies to behave. Brawling like vulgar street urchins. Whatever next!”

“But mother.”

“Don't you but mother me. Ladies do not strike each other in this manner. The matter will be resolved this afternoon. I will give you until then to decide how you wish to resolve it, and failing agreement I will decide.”

In the middle of the afternoon Lady Margaret called the parties together.

“Your aunt is coming for dinner. I propose that we postpone matters until after then. You must choose how to resolve this matter, and I don't intend that it should be by playing whist; or I will decide.”

Lady Jane could not help feeling that they had been set up, which feeling was reinforced by the daughters total unwillingness throughout the day to even discuss any possible way of resolving the dispute.

At dinner they met Lady Margaret's sister, who was a slightly plump and matronly fifty year old, with a constant smile and a very attractive laugh. After the meal the husbands retired and Lady Margaret took the women off to a large bedroom right at the top of the house. The room seemed particularly large due to the absence of any furniture, though the floor was covered by many thick rugs.

“Right” she said, “Am I to believe that you have not reached any agreement. Yes, I thought so. Mathilda” she added, addressing her sister, “if there is to be a fight then everyone should be involved and all at once. Let's have a battle royal.”

“Your daughters rather outnumber us, your Ladyship.” pointed out Lady Anne.

“I believe you are travelling with your maids are you not? That should even things up – unless two of my daughters do not wish to be involved.” She paused, “I thought not. I've half a mind to become involved myself. It's many years since I had a fight with anyone. Do I detect an interest as well Mathilda?”

“In that case may I propose that you join my guests, and I will join with my daughters. May I remind you that Ladies do not strike blows with fists, knees, feet or in any other way. Your maids will respect such rules as well. The dispute will be resolved when all the members of one team feel that they can no longer carry on. The remaining team will then shake hands with the losers and there will be no further bad blood between us.”

“One thing, sister. This is not about any individuals. I think it important to make it clear that all the members of one team should test themselves against all the members of the other team, regardless of age or breeding, otherwise there is no reason for everyone to be involved.”

Constance and Kathleen had arrived just as Lady Margaret had begun speaking, and it seemed clear to them that the home family had been planning this for some time. A fight was not to be refused however and they had high hopes that it might prove a highly enjoyable romp.

“Let's get ready! Ah, here is Mrs Cannon. She has kindly agreed to make sure that no-one forgets their manners and overstep the boundaries of good taste. But perhaps I should explain further. My eldest daughter has detested Jane for almost as long as she can remember – some silly incident when they were children I believe. As soon as she knew that you were coming here she saw it as the chance to get even, and arranged to be present.

“My daughter, Lisbeth, has only one idea in mind, which I cannot accept. I have no qualms in you resolving your differences in a ladylike manner, but I do baulk at the idea of one of my guests being severely injured, never mind one of my daughters. I would have preferred some form of fight which was more amusing than painful – but my eldest daughter would not agree, and of course her sisters sided with her. They all wished to be involved, hence the need to involve you two and your maids. After much thinking I have come up with a plan which I feel represents a good compromise between the conflicting ideas, which I intend to impose as the plan which must be followed.

“No-one must step outside this plan – it would be most embarrassing for everyone here if Mrs Cannon had to seek help from the male members of the household to restore order.” She paused to make sure everyone absorbed the meaning of her words.

“There is no question of us having a fight where any way to render your opponent unconscious is acceptable. The only alternative that I can find is to have a smother fight. That is the two sides will confront each other with the intention of eliminating members of the opposing team by blocking their air supply by a hand over the nose and mouth. When anyone loses consciousness or feels too groggy to continue they will withdraw and the fight will continue with the remaining members, until all members from one team are eliminated.

“It seems to me obvious that finding breathing difficult is not pleasant and that you would thus wish to defend yourselves. I cannot accept punches, kicks or blows of a similar nature (too dangerous), but I can accept that you can target any part of the body to try to avoid being eliminated. Strangling by hands around the throat is not allowed, neither is any attack to the face (except clamping a hand over the nose and the mouth obviously).

“I am not totally happy with these rules and would therefore leave it to the discretion of anyone to withdraw at any time - whereupon Mrs Cannon may choose to withdraw someone from the opposing team at least temporarily to keep the numbers even. In the meantime we are to begin wearing only our drawers, as a minimum of decency. Once battle has commenced you may do as you wish. I have no complaints on that score.

“Ladies, this is not my idea of how to enjoy a fight. But all I can say in the circumstances is please be reasonable.”

Constance could not help feeling that this last sentiment might prove difficult to respect. She too did not like the style of fight imposed but, as neither Lisbeth nor Jane showed any signs of being prepared to back down, she felt it her responsibility to assist her mistress, and two of those sisters were so stuck up she would enjoy bringing them down a peg!

All ten combatants prepared themselves, and lined up on each side of the room.

“I have no intention of suffocating or being suffocated. Neither does my sister. While we are involved the battle royal will follow our rules – that is a good old romp where giving as good as you get and having fun are the main ingredients. When we have had enough we will withdraw. Until that moment no-one is allowed to try to smother another player. Everyone clear on the rules, then let's start!”

The ten rushed each other. Anne found herself in the path of Margaret, who seized her by her shorts and pulled upwards so that the cloth was pulled up between Anne's legs. Anne tried to retaliate in kind but found that, as she was being pulled up, she lacked the leverage. Changing tactics she latched onto Margaret's full breasts and squeezed. This brought an end to the wedgie and also caused her to lose balance, taking Margaret down to the floor with her. Margaret instantly clawed between Anne's legs through the cloth. The nature of the fight had been set.

Jane found herself coming into contact with the second sister. Each seized the other with an arm round the neck. Remaining on their feet each used their free hand to try to claw at the other's breasts, with very little success as most of their energy was in trying to pull the other one over.

Aunt Mathilda was rolling on the floor with her youngest niece, in a stalemate situation as, by trying to hold the other as tightly as possible, most target areas were kept out of range. They did exchange slaps to the back, but that was all.

Lisbeth was trying to pull Kathleen's drawers off and Kathleen was trying to do likewise. Neither was getting very far.

Constance had effectively bounced off the remaining sister, who had lost her balance and fallen to the floor. Rather than follow the sister down she teamed up with Kathleen and between them they removed Lisbeth's drawers. Barely had they finished than the third sister was trying to get hold of Constance's underwear. Kathleen pulled the sister away, leaving Constance to have the pleasure of digging her fingers into Lisbeth's nether regions with rather more intent to cause pain that she usually used. This harsh treatment did not last long, as Lisbeth literally threw herself at Constance, and the two rolled over.

Margaret abandoned Anne and coming up behind Kathleen she tugged her drawers down before Kathleen was even aware of her presence. This time when her fingers sought out Kathleen's sex there was no cloth to protect her, though her touch had nothing like the intent of Constance's. As Kathleen tried to protect herself the third sister targeted her breasts but, not for long, as the third sister's breasts were then targeted by Anne and she spun round towards Anne and began to defend herself. Kathleen was therefore free to target Margaret and as her breasts were nearest they were once again sought out.

Aunt Mathilda was slowly getting the better of her niece, but each was scoring with only brief attacks to the other's breasts.

Jane and the second sister still had each other round the neck, but they had lowered their hands and were trying to claw each other through the drawers, but once again with very little success.

Constance and Lisbeth were exchanging hard slaps and the noise attracted Margaret who shrugged off Kathleen and pulled at Constance to drag her off her daughter. Kathleen did not take long to follow her and, as Margaret was now otherwise occupied, removing her drawers took no time. Kathleen then set to pulling Lisbeth away. Constance and Margaret now targeted each other, leaving Kathleen to confront Lisbeth who made the mistake of trying to attack Kathleen between the legs. Kathleen was able to block the attempt and take control of Lisbeth pulling her down and holding her against her body with her arms immobilised above her head. Lisbeth struggled to get free and Kathleen tried to hold on.

Anne succeeded in flinging the third sister across the room, she fell heavily and took a while getting up. This gave Anne the time to target Lisbeth who was being held by Kathleen. All of Lisbeth was exposed and Anne shocked herself by violently clawing between Lisbeth's legs with one hand and a breast with the other. The sister eventually got to her feet and rushed back, only to be tripped by Aunt Mathilda to fall once more to the floor. Abandoning the youngest sister Aunt Mathilda threw herself at her fallen niece and seizing the bottom of the drawers began trying to pull them down. The youngest sister came to her aid and the three targeted each others clothes. This kept them occupied for quite a while, meaning that Lisbeth continued to suffer. Anne had only one thought in mind, to try to hurt her enough that she would have no wish to continue after the battle royal was over.

Jane and the second sister were actually having an enjoyable wrestling match. Other than very short squeezes they had scarcely hurt each other and had mostly tested out their wrestling skills. Now rolling around on the floor, oblivious of the others, they were trying to get the top position to immobilise the other, and attacks to private parts had ceased.

Lisbeth's suffering could not continue indefinitely, eventually the youngest sister, now drawer-less realised her eldest sister's plight and went to her aid, pulling Anne away. Aunt Mathilda briefly targeted Lisbeth's sore chest and, rather than deal with her aunt, the third sister tried to release Lisbeth from Kathleen's grip by pulling on her arms. Lisbeth was free and briefly tried to pay her aunt back. Kathleen and the third sister were both naked and as they came to grips their bodies became entwined, breasts rubbing against breasts and their sexes came into contact. The resulting sensations were quite out of keeping with the situation, and a welcome relief. Their movements took them away from the others and their interlocked bodies continued rubbing together.

Aware that her sister, Lady Margaret, was determined to leave her mark between the legs of all her 'guests' before ceasing hostilities, Aunt Mathilda decided that she should do likewise and she therefore added to Lisbeth's discomfort; but not for long as Lisbeth soon paid her back in kind. They released their holds and went in search of less abused flesh.

The youngest sister set out to remove Anne's drawers, leaving herself open to attack while so doing. She eventually succeeded, but not before Anne had caused her some discomfort, but in a manner that was much less violent than her treatment of Lisbeth. The youngest sister clearly wanted to give back some of the pain she had suffered and the two were soon rolling round on the floor with their fingers tightly gripping the other's pubic areas.

Lady Margaret was suffering at the hands of Constance, her breasts were beginning to feel quite sore, not to mention between her legs. At some stage she found her head positioned between the top of Constance's legs and she pushed with her nose between Constance's sex lips,savouring the odour and causing Constance strange sensations.

“I told you my nose was for poking into people's affairs!” she said after she had managed to extricate it. She was loving every minute of it. She would have loved the dispute to have been resolved in this manner – controlled fighting with a limited amount of pain received and given and no underlying violent intent

Lisbeth however had no such thoughts. She was determined that the visitors had to suffer and as much as possible. The fact that she had been the one to suffer the most so far only heightened her resolve and she saw no reason to respect any rules, except perhaps those which would cause Mrs Cannon to stop everything and thus deprive her of her revenge. Jane was her main target, but there was no way that she was going to let Jane's allies suffer any less.

Jane and the second sister had wrestled away both sets of drawers and their fingers were beginning to find targets that could cause the other some pain. But even these two were 'enjoying' a good rough fight within limits that both were ready to accept. Jane had no recollection of what she had once done to incur Lisbeth's wrath. She was determined to match anything Lisbeth could do, or preferably exceed it, but while the others restricted themselves to 'acceptable' behaviour she was quite content to do likewise.

Lady Margaret had suffered enough at the hands of Constance and there now only remained Jane's most intimate parts that she had not tested. She suggested to Constance that they change partners and in the most civilised manner the two broke apart and crawled the short distance across the floor to where Jane and the second sister were still dealing with each other. When they arrived Jane was on top and so Lady Margaret pulled her off , one arm around her torso and the other between her legs; well why waste time? Constance took Jane's place before the second sister had time to move. This sister her rather pointed breasts and a seemingly stuck-up manner and it was her breasts in particular that Constance targeted, though not without some cost as the sister was much tougher than she looked and gave back as good as she got.

Kathleen and the third sister were some distance away from the others, and completely oblivious to what was going on elsewhere. They were both so sexually stimulated by the contact of their most intimate parts that powerful non-violent lust had quite replaced the original battle lust. It was not long before their fingers began exploring nether regions to add to this lust, with no thought to causing the pain that the others were intent on inflicting.

By now everyone was naked and in some pain. In the heat of battle this could be ignored, at least for a while, but they were obviously due to suffer later.

Lisbeth found Anne, who was trading painful grips with the youngest sister. Aunt Mathilda was having a quick rest, as she found the tempo hard to keep up with. The first Anne knew of Lisbeth's presence was a sharp pain inside her body as Lisbeth thrust a finger into her vagina and tried to peel the lining off the inner walls. The youngest sister could not see what Lisbeth was doing, but the cry of pain that Anne let out, was enough for her to comprehend that it was not friendly. To her credit she released her hold on Anne and rolled aside, to go in search of her aunt. Anne had some difficulty getting Lisbeth's finger out of her and she suffered considerable pain to her most delicate parts before she was able to envisage fighting on more even terms.

Whilst Anne had certainly not been gentle with Lisbeth earlier she had never tried causing the pain and injury that Lisbeth was inflicting on her. She was very grateful that Lady Margaret had ensured prior to events that each person's finger nails were trimmed short. She dreaded to think what might otherwise have been the consequences. Even now Lisbeth set about trying to target her clitoris, and scratch its delicate surface. On the basis that fire needs to be matched with fire her only response was to try to do the same, but she lacked whatever it was that was firing up Lisbeth and the hurt she could cause Lisbeth was much less than the hurt she was suffering.

Jane began to warm to Lady Margaret who although visibly tiring was trying to hold her own with a woman more than twenty years younger. Margaret's attacks contained no malice, even if they caused some discomfort. Jane ensured that Margaret would know that she had been in a fight, without seeking to totally overwhelm her.

The youngest sister had found her aunt who, much to her surprise, had rolled her over and proceeded to sit on her chest, while she got her breath back, as she said. This took a little while, leaving the youngest sister lying helpless on the floor.

Lisbeth was waiting for Jane, but in particular she was waiting for the signal from her mother that she could begin smothering her victims. The thought of holding each of these visitors into unconsciousness was driving her on. She had shown Anne what she thought of her. Normally she would not have given the maids a second thought. Kathleen was nowhere to be seen (fast approaching orgasmic pleasure), but Constance had already tangled with her and as Jane's maid she could be expected to do all she could to defend her mistress. Reducing her capacity so to do was therefore her new objective. She left Anne who curled up in a ball with her hands clasped between her legs as if hoping to draw the pain away, incapable of evening up the numbers.

Constance and the second sister had been having an even tussle with each giving as good as she got. Two against one was never going to be in Constance's favour and she soon found herself with the second sister immobilising her arms while Lisbeth prised her labia apart the better to attack deep within. This was not to the second sister's liking. Sisterly duty encouraged her to continue to hold Constance trapped, but disgust soon became the stronger feeling and she released Constance's arms so that she could defend herself. Constance's reaction was to launch a punch between Lisbeth's legs which was, fortunately, not seen by other than the second sister, who chose to ignore it and seek to take her fight elsewhere. The punch took Lisbeth by surprise and hurt her enough for her to withdraw her clawing fingers. Ignoring the sharp pain between her legs Constance sought initially to immobilise Lisbeth to stop any further pain and the two locked up arms round each other's head, fingers holding tight to the hair – preventing any movements and giving merely painful scalps.

Aunt Mathilda had got her breath back and leaning backwards so that her fingers could target between the youngest sister's legs, she was obliged to shift her centre of balance. She did manage to provide evidence to her niece of her intentions before being rolled off. The second sister joined them and the two sisters set about playfully rolling their aunt around, reminding her from time to time of the nature of the evening's entertainment but without causing her too much discomfort. Their Aunt was a game old bird, and even at odds of two to one she tested out her nieces resistant to pinching fingers, especially around their nipples.

Anne was still taking no part in events. The worst of the pain had subsided, but she felt unable to rejoin the fray for the time being. She realised that she had tears streaming down her cheeks and she began to regret allowing herself to become involved.

Jane had not seen what Lisbeth had been up to. As Margaret tired so they more or less ceased wrestling with each other and lay locked in each others arms. Realising that Margaret was not seeking to continue she was able to look around. She could see Constance and Lisbeth locked together and, a few feet away, Aunt Mathilda and her two nieces. Of Kathleen and the third sister there was initially no sign but, as the noise level abated as the fighting calmed down, sounds of orgiastic lust directed her attention to the far side of the room. While looking around her eyes fell on Anne and she realised that something was wrong.

“Excuse me” she said to Margaret before heading across the room and taking her crying friend in her arms, soon to learn the truth.

Margaret headed across to where Mathilda and her daughters had more or less ceased their exertions.

“I think it may be time for you and I to leave the others to it.”

Jane wasted no time launching a blow into Lisbeth's kidney and dragging her from Constance and flinging her to the floor. Reacting quickly Lisbeth tried to fire a punch into Jane's womanhood, but it missed it's target connecting instead with Jane's stomach. The two set to work banging the back of each others head into the mats in a frenzy of violence before trying to turn their attention to other more sensitive parts of their bodies.

Constance's first reaction had been to aid her mistress but then she realised that two of Lisbeth's sisters were no longer occupied, that Anne was still hors combat so she decided to keep the sisters busy.

Kathleen and the third sister had given each other intense pleasure and as they lay together feeling the last wave of this pleasure they began talking. Both were in agreement that they had no wish to try to suffocate each other or anyone else and that with the exception of Lisbeth and perhaps Jane the others were likely to feel the same. A plan began to be hatched.

Screams, shouts and foul language from across the room forced this plan to be rapidly advanced. Lisbeth and Jane were doing considerable damage to each other. There were visible bite marks on one of Jane's breasts, a trickle of blood from Lisbeth's mouth (hers or Jane's?) and clumps of hair on the floor. Kathleen and the third sister quickly joined the others who were no longer really fighting and rapidly outlined their plan. Lady Margaret announced that she and her sister were withdrawing and that the second part could now start.

The three sisters took care of Jane, while Kathleen and Constance together with Aunt Mathilda (who felt duty bound to take Anne's place) took care of Lisbeth. There was only one way to end hostilities for good and that was to make the two antagonists feel that both had been eliminated and so that is what they did. Depriving Lisbeth and Jane of their air supplies soon ensured that both were unconscious. Their inert forms were gently laid out on opposite sides of the room.

The fight had gone out of all those present. Mrs Cannon was sent to get smelling salts to bring the two unconscious forms round while Anne and the third sister took up position to ensure that both ceased hostilities when they came round.

Margaret and Mathilda realised that they had been deprived of their tussle and decided that there was no reason for that. Kathleen had done little actual fighting and, as the two oldest ladies had begun trying to pinch each other in most indiscreet places, she persuaded Constance who was still feeling a certain discomfort to indulge in a most agreeable tussle with the two remaining sisters, wrestling and trying to touch each other between the legs, causing no pain, content merely to put their hands where their hands should not be. As they warmed to their task the four tried to slip a finger into their adversary and especially to pull it back out with as loud a plop as possible. As the four were rolling around close together they soon ceased worrying about trying to slip a finger into their direct competitor and any exposed body, friend or foe, was targeted – all with shrieks of laughter and enough good humour to allow the unpleasantness that had preceded to be pushed back into a more suitable place.

When the two unconscious combatants gradually regained their senses they felt very groggy and the new found bonhomie between all the others temporarily put paid to any remaining desire for hurt. All the ongoing tussles soon ceased and great care was taken to ensure that Lisbeth and Jane were not left alone together.

The following morning Lady Jane's party took their leave ahead of schedule and during their journey they all agreed that they wished to avoid finding themselves in similar circumstances again. Pitting themselves against other women was fun, causing the other controlled pain part of the fun, but when the fighters lost their self-control, or deliberately sought to cause lasting damage to the other no more fun was to be had.

On a final note, there is a rumour that, during the night, Kathleen and the third sister slipped away together, but we shall choose to respect their private lives and nothing more is to be said concerning how they may have spent the ensuing hours.