The Dyke Fights at Muscle Ranch
By Teez
It was getting on toward mid-morning and as Denise slipped into the room Rhonda returned the hand weights to the rack and drawing the drapes turned back to the couch and settled in beside Alexis. They were about to learn what “Muscle Ranch” was all about and Denise for her part wasted little time in getting into the details of it. Settling into a chair adjacent to the couch and placing a DVD case on the low table in front of the TV she began describing it’ purpose.
Actually she suggested, with the exception of it’s location which was up in the foothills about ninety minutes to the west Muscle Ranch was part of the Tower Resort It’s also different in that those who choose to frequent it have little interest in the more usual delights found here preferring the more extreme type of experience there to be more to their taste. They’re also more capable of paying for that type of experience than the clientele you’ve become familiar with here at the Tower.
“And in what way is it different” murmured Alexis?
Denise didn’t reply immediately but then laughing softly said.
“Well of course all of our clients are the more alpha type lesbians that have come to associate their sexual gratification with fighting. Simply put it’s their way of defining themselves, they get off on being involved in it and in line with that consider their physical development a prerequisite. Of course in that respect they’re not that much different from those that your already familiar with except that here at the Arena it’s a bit more like a circus while the arrangements out at the Ranch are by design more gladiatorial in nature.”
“But that really doesn’t explain the difference” murmured Rhonda?
“Well perhaps not” replied Denise. “Lets just say that those that are attracted to the type of arrangements that are provided at the Ranch are much more into active participation than those that attend arrangements here at the Arena. Most of them also have some association with a few of the more hard core female muscle clubs and their interests have naturally evolved into some of the more extreme styles of arranged female fighting. To say that they like it in all of it’s unique iterations would be very much an understatement. You could even go so far as to say that it’s become the primary component of their sexuality.”
“I guess I can relate to that” Rhonda replied. “At least it seems to be where it’s taken me.”
“Yeah” replied Denise evenly. “Almost to the point where you seem to exhibit a genetical link to it. And with respect to that “ she continued, “we’ve developed a catalog of physical preferences, characteristics and peculiarities and in the interest of promoting the objective, records of past performances under similar circumstances.” Laughing softly at the surprised look on their faces she added. “All of which seems to have had a liberating effect on our clients with respect to any latent inhibitions they might have with respect to the more deliberately extreme arrangements.“ Pausing for a moment to gauge their reaction she added. ”By that I mean that occasionally and by design they intentionally result in fatal consequences. Something that those that engage each other under those circumstances are very much aware of. We of course refer to them as Bull Fights and what you are about to see will be two big strong Bulls engage each other in a very special kind of Bull Fight.” Clicking the remote she settled back and TV sprang to life.
It opened with a shadowed view of an octagonally shaped pen surrounded by a wide elevated walkway with the tiered seating arranged behind it giving it the appearance of a small amphitheater. The only illumination seemed to be a single shaded light over the center of the pen but as they watched a light came on over a doorway and a number of females began filing into the room and fanning out around the walkway. About forty she guessed and between their early thirties and late fifties. They were also, as Denise had described them the more obviously physical and presumably overtly aggressive lesbian types and on this most private occasion were favoring sexually provocative attire that openly flaunted what they considered the physical characteristics they considered most relevant to why they were there. Which Rhonda assumed would make it easier with respect to soliciting the interest of another similarly inclined female. She also noticed that each of them had an armband on their upper right arm and as if reading her mind Denise intoned..
“They’re mostly from other client groups that correspond with us and their armbands have numbers that correlate with a fact sheet that identifies them individually and describes their preferences. It also includes a bio of their relevant physical statistics and achievements.”
“Well that pretty much lays it all out there then doesn’t it” muttered Alexis as she admired the display of the deliberately toned muscle so obviously parading along the walkway.
“Yeah” laughed Denise softly. “It does tend to advertise what they’ve got and suggest how they might want to use it doesn’t it?”
“Sort of like a fight club combined with a body builder pageant” muttered Rhonda.
“Yeah” replied Denise. “In equal parts and considering that most of them are quite willing to consider what they consider an interesting physical challenge an important part.
The females that had entered the small amphitheater were silent as they rearranged themselves around the pen but then Denise broke it by saying.
“Twenty five of them are from various small worldwide groups that have allied themselves with us and another fifteen are there as their personal companions and proteges. There are also an additional ten or so from the Ranch who are there to serve in the same capacity. You’ll of course note that they’re a racially mixed group since for various reasons they find racially charged fights to be more appealing and since they’ve been there for several days their social interaction has exacerbated their natural inclinations to the point that they’re ready for just about anything” adding with a short laugh. “Of course as is their habit they’ve also consumed a selection of supplemental substances which in combination with their usual cocktails has encouraged both their libido and their sense of aggression, a combination which as I’m sure you know tends to deliberately compliment each other with respect to this sort of thing.”
“Which I assume will ensure their uninhibited performance as well as our appreciation of it” murmured Rhonda.
“Yeah, that’s pretty much the idea” laughed Denise. “Of course since most of the guests must be concerned about their status among the more acceptable side of society we’ve taken steps to ensure that their participation isn’t publicized. Which,” she added is another reason for our remote location. And of course it’s also the perfect place to develop the type of social structure that encourages the adversarial types of relationships that they require. Consequently those relationships that they develop are confrontational by design and today’s sexually compliant associate could well be tomorrow’s fiercely dedicated antagonist.”
Neither of them responded and as more of the spectators were seen to be settling into the seating Rhonda noted that most were already wearing small, opera style masks. A necessity she guessed when something like this was to be video recorded. They were also getting impatient, their conversational exchanges were becoming more explicit and here and there minor confrontations seemed to be developing. As she was about to comment about it though Denise’s voice was heard to announce that it was time to start and as the disconnected babble from around the walkway trailed away another light came on over another doorway and a big mostly naked female emerged. Quickly stepping to the walkway and opening a panel on the side of it she slipped into the pen.
“That Edna” intoned Denise. “She’s from South America, in her early forties and at five eleven and one ninety seven this will not be the first time she’s participated in this sort of an arrangement.”
Rhonda noticed she was already oiled and fitted with a specially designed half bra as well as a red fighting mask, matching ring socks and padded driving gloves. She also appeared eager for the fighting to start and as she moved easily around the inside of the pen greeting acquaintances or associates Rhonda thought her to be a rather impressive bitch. The light began flashing again though and retiring to a corner she waited silently as her opponent entered the room.
“Stella” Denise murmured. “She’s my in-house girl and at five ten and a half and one ninety two she’s also acquired a taste for this sort of thing.”
Similarly fitted out as Edna except with green accouterments she too moved confidently and quickly around the pen then raising her right arm in a defiant and challenging gesture took a position opposite to Edna and waited for the signal to begin.
Those that had retreated to the tiered seating above the walkway had crowded back in along the side now and a voice, again unmistakably Denise’s intoned.
”The winner of the fight will receive two hundred thousand dollars plus ten percent of what your wager. There will be two rounds, the first of five minutes followed by a five minute break and then a final and deciding round which will be to the finish. Should it result in death or should you indicate by your actions that it should the winner will receive an additional three hundred thousand dollars on the condition that she is capable of achieving that result.”
There was silence for a moment as the spectators digested what she’d said and then as Edna and Stella pushed away from the side and began to cautiously maneuver around each other there was a groan of anticipation as they began re-arranging themselves. Both were exceptionally muscular as well as physically attractive with the blonds hair tied into a short pigtail and the brunette’s in a small tight bun at the back of her head. The brunette appeared slightly bigger with heavier shoulders and arms with a profusion of dark body hair beneath her arms and spreading out from her crotch. She also had the tattooed figure of a bird of prey rising from between her legs all of which served to amplify her appearance of formidability. The blond while more or less equal in size appeared to be a bit more lithe with symbols tattooed on her hip and shoulder and her body hair was less noticeable although on closer examination both seemed to have a thin trace of it above their upper lip. A Dyke sort of thing Rhonda thought a bit ruefully, at least for some knowing that she’d had to begin removing it on a more or less regular basis. They’d moved closer to each other though now and as the commentary from the spectators ceased the brunette stepped in front of the blond and with a smile of anticipation ran her fingers along her shoulder.
“You and me, we’re gonna give them the kind of fight that you and me want aren’t we?”
“Yeah” replied the blond then taking a deep breath and adding with a sneering insolence “think you can take me bitch?”
“Yeah, replied the brunette “I think I can take you” and slowly stepping back to look at her added with a question in her voice. “You’ve done it like this before.”
“Yeah, I’ve done it like this before” replied the blond turning to keep her in sight.
“And your OK with it” asked the brunette?
“Yeah” laughed the blond now with a husky catch to her voice. “I’m OK with it. Actually I sorta like it like this so I do know what you mean by OK.”
“Good, very good” replied the brunette almost to herself then positioning herself back in front of her slowly raised her arms and did a slow provocative pirouette eliciting a spontaneous groan of approval came from the walkway and with a slight catch in her voice she added. “I trust that you find everything to be as promised”
“Oh very much so” replied the blond a bit breathlessly. “So far your perfect for what I want”
“As are you” replied the brunette adding.”And I’m gonna really like doing it to you.”
“Yeah” replied the blond with a husky rasp to her voice then letting her fingers trace along the brunette’s arm added. “But I’m gonna be the one that’s gonna be doing it to you.”
It was exciting watching them confront each other and she almost didn’t hear Denise as she said that their half bras were designed with a special heavy nylon mesh and their abbreviated gloves only covered the back of the hand out to the second knuckle. It wasn’t something that required a reply but nevertheless she experienced a shudder of anticipation. She knew the nylon mesh would tend to prevent premature rupture of the breasts and that the gloves would increase their hitting power while at the same time permit them to use their hands and fingers more effectively. Something they’d each need to take into consideration she thought approvingly. There was also a few beads of sweat beginning to dribble through the oil and guessed it was getting warmer in the fight room. There were rivulets of it coursing down across their breasts and as they began prancing around their small arena a few of the spectators were observed to reach down and let their fingers trail in it as they passed. Their conversational comments were becoming more explicit though and as if in response the two in the pen raised their arms and turning to face them flaunted their oiled and muscled physics as if in a prelude to what was about to happen. The gesture was almost gladiatorial in nature and it was met with an arena like roar from the guests in response. It was time to do it though and as the guests became quiet they lowered their arms and turned to face each other. They were ready, hungry to begin doing what they were there for and as the lights were adjusted to leave all but the pen in shadow Denise’s voice was heard ordering them to begin and with a final salute they cautiously began stalking closer to each other.
Stella made the first move aggressively lunging into Edna and driving her right fist into her left side then quickly dropping back into a crouch she scuttled crablike away along the side. It brought a few grunts of approval from the walkway then some scattered words of advice but Edna appeared not to notice and seemingly encouraged by her lack of a reaction Stella began drifting back in to feint at her head. It appeared to be a bit too easy to Rhonda though and as Edna seemed to stumble Stella moved to take advantage of what she thought was an opportunity she straightened up and drove her right fist flush into her face. Not once but twice, quick hard blows and as Stella staggered back wiping at the blood streaming from around her mouth Edna crowded in after her hooking a hard, right into her lower belly then quickly following it with an equally hard right cross to the left side of her head. This time the comments and the growls of approval from the shadows were louder and as Stella hurriedly retreated along the side shaking her head and wiping at her face Edna paused and looking up at the faces peering at her from the walkway raised her arm in a gloating gladiatorial style salute.
For a moment the spectators were silent but then as they began to appreciate the gesture there were some approving guffaws and as their grunts, exclamations and comments began to swirl throughout the room she lowered her arm and resumed her defensive posture as Stella danced closer and drove a tentative short clipping right at her head. It was more of a feint than a serious effort and one that she was able to duck under but it was also a trick. It left her open and a suddenly furious Stella was able to take advantage of it by charging into her and hooking her left fist into her lowered head. Now it was Edna’s turn to wipe at her face and as she backed several of the spectators laughed appreciatively as Stella turned to face the walkway and raised her arm in an arrogant imitation of Edna’s gesture.
“This must be pretty much like it was back in the time of the Roman private arenas” muttered Alexis almost to herself.
“Yeah” murmured Rhonda approvingly. “Sorta surreal isn’t it?”
“Yeah” nodded Alexis with an expression of satisfaction on her face. “Except here they do it for the money and the pleasure they get from the doing of it not just to stay alive.”
Edna was noticeably more cautious as she began maneuvering herself back toward Stella but still she was able to get Stella to begin backtracking to the side. Rhonda thought that was probably a mistake since it would make it easier for Edna to maneuver her into one of the corners and while some of the spectators seemed to agree urging her to stay away from it others seemed to want her forced into one of them. She was patient though, waiting until Stella was distracted by the proximity of the side and then suddenly charging into her drove a hard left cross to the right side of her head and quickly followed it with another short, hard right hook up into her lower belly.
It seemed to catch Stella by surprise and as she tried to cover up and move away Edna crowded in again and slamming her left forearm across the side of her head began pumping her right fist up into her lower belly. It forced her to lower her arms but Edna just raised her attack and as Stella began staggering back she followed her and clenching her hands together into a fist viciously chopped them down into the top of her breasts. Finally in desperation Stella managed to push her off to the side but as she danced away Edna had a satisfied grin on her face and when she reached the far side of the pen an arm could be seen stretching out of the shadows to briefly caress her neck. Pausing, then looking up and with blood still dribbling from her mouth and streaking down her chin slipped her arm around the spectators neck and pulling her face down exchanged a quick kiss before turning back to confront a now angry and a suddenly more aggressive Stella.
Rhonda had no comment but Alexis’s grunt of approval pretty much mirrored her own feelings and laughing softly turned to Denise and murmured.
“How long does it usually take for them to get this kind of thing done?”
“Depends” muttered Denise suddenly a bit breathlessly. “Usually about twenty to twenty five minutes, sometimes longer.”
“And since you’ve invited us to watch it I guess your thinking maybe we might like to watch something like this in person”
“Yeah” Denise replied evenly. “I’m sorta thinking that you might like to be there for something like this”
Again Rhonda didn’t respond but as she began to chew on the thought the cameras began panning around the pen. It reflected the spectators facial expressions and she noted that they all seemed to reflect a cruelly enthusiastic acceptance of what they were there to see. None of them seemed inclined to turn away from it and that in particular seemed to reinforce her earlier feelings that the scene in many important ways resembled the small private fighting arenas from an earlier time. She also noticed that they seemed to have stripped off most of their sexually provocative attire that was starting to inhibit the type of physical associations they were in the process of developing among themselves. Several were in fact already lay entwined on the couches while others were loosely embracing as they moved along the walkway as they followed the action in the pen. It prompted her to recall Denise’s comment that there really were some that seemed to be bred for this sort of thing but the thought was lost as Stella suddenly charged into Edna driving a clipping right at her head and receiving a chopping left across the front of her face in return.
So far the exchange had seemed to be mostly equal but now Stella seemed the worse for it and as she backpedaled to the side blood was streaming from mouth and nose and Edna intent on following her advantage and had moved in close to drive short hard left’s and right’s into her guts. It forced her to retreat even further along the side but again Edna followed and crowding closer delivered another series of short vicious chops to the exposed top of her breasts and then a final one to her head before almost leisurely backing away. This time there was no symbolic salute. She was still relatively unmarked her mouth no longer bleeding and looking up at the spectators she grimly raised a blood stained arm as she strutted along the side.
Stella was looking a bit bedraggled though and as she wiped at her face with the back of her glove Rhonda noticed that the bun of hair at the back of her head was coming undone. Edna was becoming a bit too sure of herself though and as she turned her back Stella lunged at her giving her a quick kidney punch to her lower back and as she started to wheel around she wrapped her right arm around her neck and wrestling her head down beneath her shoulder began furiously driving her left fist into her face. It obviously caught her by surprise and frantically wrapping her left arm around Stella’s back and thrusting her right hand down between her legs she frantically clawed her fingers into her cunt as the spectators began howling their encouragement or rage.
It didn’t help her to free her head though, it was still cinched beneath Stella’s arm and finally in desperation she slipped her left hand down Stella’s back and reaching between her legs grasped her right hand and forcing herself erect managed to heave Stella over her left shoulder. It worked and as they toppled backwards to the floor Edna’s head slipped out from beneath Stella’s shoulder and quickly rolling over on top of her she hunched herself up onto her breasts and clasping her hands together into a big fist began smashing it down into her face. Each blow seemed to cause Stella’s legs to jerk up against her back and Rhonda experienced a sudden sinking feeling as she realized she’d been subconsciously favoring her. Before she could dwell on it though a claxon sounded and as Sylvia slipped into the pen Edna reluctantly unclenched her hands and pushed herself up from Stella. There was silence for a moment but then as she began moving away Stella rolled slowly to her hands and knees and the spectators roar of approval erupted from around the walkway.
The rumble of conversation from the TV was a bit less and as they toweled themselves off Rhonda found her eyes traveling along the figures of the spectators gathered along the walkway. Aside from their muscular near nudity she thought they were pretty much like any other underground fight but of course it wasn’t but it wasn’t. As Denise had said it was much more gladiatorial in nature and turning to her let herself wonder aloud how far it might go.
“Well of course I was there but lets say it’s difficult to say at this point ” she replied. “Of course I will remind you that the most compelling reason for them to engage each other like this is to provide the one that prevails with the opportunity to exercise their most primitive urges when it’s hers to decide.”
“How deliciously brutal” remarked a smiling Alexis. “And of course by the time she arrives at that point she’s quite capable of doing whatever it takes for her to achieve her satisfaction.”
“That’s pretty much the idea” murmured Denise.
“Are there any rules about what she can do or how long she can take to do it” replied Alexis?”
“No, not really” murmured Denise. “Would you prefer that there were?”
“No” laughed Alexis but then with a sudden vehemence added “I wouldn’t do it if there were any rules.”
They’d finished with the toweling but the spectators were still lingering along the walkway and while they were probably out of advice they still seemed to be offering encouragement. They were also exploring the possibilities of establishing what in all probability would be a temporary liaisons with selected individuals embracing each other as they became even more intimate with each others physics. Their reality was refreshed by the sound of the claxon though and as Edna and Stella pushed away from their respective sides they began scattering back along the walkway in obvious anticipation.
It was also apparent that the audio side of the DVD had been adjusted to minimize the background sounds of the spectators and maximize that of Stella and Edna’s curses, their heavy breathing and that of their feet shuffling on the canvas floor as they started their maneuvering. It was also apparent that they didn’t seem inclined to waltz around and play for time and when they did maneuver themselves within striking distance each of them stood their ground and began driving their fists into each other at close range. This time it seemed there didn’t seem to be much finesse to it, it was more as if they were trying to daze or cripple and as the amplified sounds of their fists along with the harsh sound of their breathing began erupting from the speakers it almost seemed to her as if she were actually there. Alexis seemed to be experiencing it the same way which to Rhonda made it even more realistic and as Edna landed a hard left to the right side of Stella’s head she found herself leaning forward and screamed at the screen for her to drive her back.
“Drive the fucking bitch into the wall” she gasped then pausing to catch her breath, “break her fucking neck.”
Denise had remained silent while the fighting had resumed but now there was a speculative expression on her face and most of her attention seemed to be focused on the partisanship that seemed to be developing between Rhonda and Alexis and as she watched them lean forward as if to be closer to what they were watching and pressed against each other she smiled. Now it was Stella who had managed to knee Edna between the legs and Rhonda found herself screaming for her to do it again then catching herself and laughing at her reaction turned to Alexis and wrestling her arm affectionately around her neck whispered.
“I guess your for Edna and me for Stella isn’t it?”
“Yeah” replied an equally excited Alexis and leaning against Rhonda and pushing her back into the couch muttered, “your on and my girl’s gonna kill her.”
Slipping her hand up Alexis’s back and pulling her mouth hard against her own Rhonda murmured breathlessly. “No way, your bitch is dead but your on for some good post fight face and five big ones.”
What was happening on the screen was lost to them for the moment as they let their hungry lips and tongues work themselves around in each others mouth but a sudden shout from the TV quickly re-captured their attention Edna had finally managed to back Stella into one of the corners and slamming her body in hard against her had mashed her right arm across the front of her face and was furiously driving her left knee up between her legs as the spectators, now all leaning out over the side of the pen shaking their fists were screaming advice or encouragement. Edna’s knee was having it’s intended effect though and the blood from Stella’s crotch was quickly spreading to cover her thighs and belly. They were also bleeding from the nose and mouth with it smearing their breasts and as it mixed with their oily sweat it was creating a reddish slick that quickly seemed to spread over the rest of them. Edna had also managed to leave some long weeping gouge marks on the top of Stella’ breasts and calling Alexis’s attention to them Rhonda murmured.
“Think that’s the way you’d want to do it?”
“Yeah” responded Alexis with a lusty grunt. “Except I’d want to wear some of those special gloves with the little gouges on the fingertips so I could get them into the meat.”
Her comment caused Rhonda to experience a delicious surge of sexual excitement as she pictured Alexis locked up with Anna as they each exercised a single minded lust to destroy the other. It was a delicious thought and she knew it would drive her over the top to watch but as she was about to let her imagination expand on it Stella managed to wrap her hands around Edna’s throat and desperately shoving her to the floor scrambled away.
The spectators had been mostly bi-partisan so far but now as they strung themselves out around the pen they seemed to be more enthusiastic about one or the other. Stella and Edna were tiring though with the sound of their labored breathing seeming to fill the room but as Edna pushed herself up from the floor and turned to find Stella she seemed a uncertain. Stella sensed it and when she turned back to confront her she was smiling. It caused Edna to back away from her but as she slumped into what she thought was a defensive a crouch Stella thrust herself up over her back and wrapping her left arm down around her neck wrenched it up beneath her shoulder. Dropping backwards she flipped her over her head then releasing her arm and scrambling around beside her she threw herself up on top and pressed her knees down onto her upper arms. Pausing to catch her breath she adjusted her position as Edna began bucking beneath her. Then smiling she slowly inched her crotch up onto her neck and as her legs bowed up against her back reached behind her and wrapped her arms around her thighs. Settling herself even more securely onto her face she tightened them and as Edna’s increasingly muffled screams began coming from between her legs leaned forward bending her body into an increasingly impossible bow. It was perfect and with her thighs now imprisoning Edna’s head she relaxed for just a moment then rocking forward and widening them slightly gave an ecstatic keening scream of delight and savagely ground her cunt down into her face.
The spectators were silent, They sensed it was almost over and as they savored the thought of how the killing moment might come about she looked up and as their roar of approval erupted from around the walkway smiled. She knew what they wanted her to do and they knew she wanted to do it and now she knew exactly how she was going to. Pausing for a moment to collect herself she caught her breath then rocking back to relieve the pressure on Edna’s back relaxed her thighs. The time for doing it had arrived as an evil smile of anticipation spread across her face she released her arms from around Edna’s thighs and as they flopped back to the floor behind her again rocked forward onto her neck. Grasping her head and rolling onto her side she slide her left leg beneath Edna’s neck and wrapping it around the back of her neck locked her left ankle behind her right knee. Pausing to catch her breath she grasped her right ankle and squeezing her thighs back together forced Edna’s head back up for the last time and as her muffled groan of terror came from between her legs gave her ankle a savage yank and forced her face against her her cunt. She was ready, now only Edna’s terrified face protruded from between her thighs she tightened her grip on her ankle and looked up at the spectators. Teasingly she raised her other arm with her thumb thrust upwards. The response was a groan followed by shouts of disapproval and she turned it down. This time their roar was one of approval and laughing with delight nodded her acknowledgment. Then she looked down at Edna’s terrified face for the last time. She was going to do it now, she wanted to do it now and they both knew how she was going to do it and as Edna’s hands began frantically clawing at the top of her thighs she set herself and as the spectators began chanting “do it, finish the bitch. Kill her” she slowly began wrenching Edna’s terrified face even more snugly into her now oozing cunt. It would be the last thing she’d ever experience and as her muffled cries became strangled gurgles Stella reached for the catch on her breast harness and letting it fall away threw her head back and with another keening scream squeezed her muscled thighs together and with a groan of sheer lusty pleasure gave her ankle a final savage yank and as a silvery slick began oozing out from between her legs.
It was over Edna’s neck was broken and as the spectators screams of approval or outraged cries of anger erupted a now drained and exhausted Stella released her ankle and with her sexual juice still slicking the inside of her thighs struggled to her feet. Unsteadily she moved to stand astraddle of Edna’s still twitching body and as the spectators erupted again in another uproarious scream of approval she raised her arms to signify her victory.
It was quiet as Rhonda and Alexis collected their thoughts but it was obvious that what they’d watched had been an incredible experience and turning to an obviously excited and now somewhat disheveled Denise Rhonda let herself wonder aloud how their attendance to something like this might be arranged..
“Actually” Denise replied after a short pause to get her breathing back under control. “I have thought about it and I’m sure it can be arranged. Actually” she continued, “for a sufficient amount of money I think either of you might be willing to seriously consider it yourselves, depending of course on the selection of your opponent.”
“And you’d like be there to watch it wouldn’t you” sneered Alexis.
“Yeah” replied Denise with sudden intensity “I’d like to be there to watch it.”
“And what about you” replied Alexis looking at Rhonda. “Think you’d do it?”
“Yeah” replied Rhonda softly. “I’d do it.”