The Six Savages
by Aristocatch
I'm quite a savage little beast, even if I say so myself. I've never been one to shirk a challenge and, although I have come off worse once or twice, mostly I've given worse than I got. I don't mind having a black eye, if the other girl's got two.
I work in a factory where I don't always get on with all the other girls employed there. From time to time there are disputes, but we always manage to control ourselves at work – none of us can afford to be sacked. If you listen carefully you can often hear girls telling what they would like to do to each other, and I can assure you that they have plenty of imagination. For some reason, maybe the moon or whatever, there came one particular day when everyone was cross with everyone else and a girl I frankly can't stand decided to arrange for a small group of us to vent our frustration and imagination on each other.
Six of the most belligerent workers, myself included, gathered together in a small hall after work on a Friday with the idea of beating the shit out of each other. But that would be too simple and so first we were to have a game to get everyone in the mood. Six because we would use a dice, which would decide who was chosen. Each in turn would throw the dice, having picked a card that detailed what would be done. The number on the dice would decide to whom. Two of the workers spent several hours letting loose their imagination to make sure that we would hold grudges against those who had done unpleasant things to us – that we would wish to avenge at the end. When we played the game we saw just how imaginative they had been, and devious, twisted and totally unscrupulous. No heed was given to convention, morals or acceptable behaviour.
I should perhaps say that I am Japanese and I work in Japan, not far from Tokyo. Three of the other workers are Japanese, one Chinese and one Korean. You may have seen in videos and on Japanese television that we are not adverse to transgressing boundaries and inflicting suffering on each other. I can assure you that those 'games' are child's play in relation to what we dreamed up.
I don't usually shave between the legs but, having an inkling about what was likely to happen, I had carefully made myself as smooth as a baby's bum.
Our supervisor at work and a really butch woman from security were also there, to ensure we stuck to the rules (ha!) and that things didn't get out of hand. Much to my surprise the supervisor acted as organiser (I later learned that she had even contributed ideas for the forfeits). The first thing she did was to tell us all to strip off and put our clothes out of the way.
You probably think that we Japanese don't have tits (all Westerners seem to think that way). I do. OK not a 38” chest, but quite adequate against my body size. The Korean had a similar amount, as did one of my fellow countrymen (I'll call her 'A'). One Japanese had really quite large boobs (B) and only the Chinese and C had smallish tits which made the nipples seem over large. C had also not shaved between the legs. Maybe she was ignorant as to the likely content of the evening.
The supervisor gave us a pep talk which seemed to be to take every chance you can to fuck up the others, but make sure you all come into work on Monday morning. She also showed us that she had come with an impressive first-aid kit.
The cards were in three piles. One of “gentle” options for rounds one and two and one of more advanced (and sadistic) options for the rounds three and four and one of disgusting options to get everyone wound up for the main fight. In round one I drew the Japanese girl C, the one who hadn't shaven between her legs. I was simply told that I had to pluck a hair. There was too much temptation, and I couldn't resist plucking a whole bunch of her pubes in my fingers. She was horrified, and a certain tone had been set.
Still in Round one the Japanese with boobs, B, drew me for a boob fight. Yes, some of the options involved both at the same time, in others one of the two was a 'victim'. Those by Japanese standards mammoths literally obliterated, crushed and humiliated my, I thought, quite reasonable pair. Thank God that it only lasted thirty seconds. I knew better than to seek a repeat, though my fingers were itching to dig into that flesh as, I expect, the fingers of all the others dreamed of doing. There is something about big boobs that acts as a magnet for both men and women.
Round two was forty five seconds. The Chinese girl drew my number and was allowed to spank my bottom for that length of time. Strangely she was quite gentle in her efforts and I was sure that she could have caused me much more pain. You might imagine that I made a mental note to be equally generous should I come up against her. If you did, you should know me better. Such kindness seemed like weakness and certainly wouldn't stop me being as unpleasant as possible if the occasion arose.
I threw the number of C again. I had forty five seconds to pull her hair. If she was fearful for her pubes, I did everything to make her believe that was my target. As her hands dropped as low as possible, I grabbed two handfuls of her locks on her head and pulled her this way and that and finally down until she was in a heap on the floor. Being kind I didn't actually pull any of her hair out, but I would think I left her scalp nicely on fire.
Round three was a minute. I drew a card which I only read after throwing the number of the Korean. It proved to be a test of nipple pulling. You probably know that the Japanese and the Koreans don't like each other and, for once, I was a little wary of how it might go, especially as my nipples can be quite sensitive. I stuck to merely pulling the nipples out from her chest, eschewing other possible forms of nipple torture – there would be time for that later, especially if I was in a position where I was the only torturer and my nipples were out of harms way. The Korean followed my example and much of the minute was spent merely elongating them as much as possible which, while it hurt, was much the lesser of two evils.
Two of the players threw my number. For the first time I met up with A, who got to plonk her pubes on my face and sit there for a minute. Frankly I got off lightly, despite damp skin on my nose and face.
The second player who threw my number was C. What's more she got a minute to slap my boobs, while another player held my arms behind my back. You will not be surprised to learn that she did not waste this time and my boobs were red and stinging before she was done. I didn't like the look of satisfaction on her face and swore to remove that later.
Round four was up to 75 seconds. I threw the number of A again and we were made to lie on our backs, heads more or less touching. Our arms were then aided until our hands were on the others chest. All we had to do then was to maul each other for the allowed duration. Given the positions we were in this was more limited than if we had been face to face, but we still managed to make it hurt. My normal disposition would be to say I hurt her much more than she hurt me, but if I am honest the word 'much' has no place in the sentence. More perhaps, but only slightly so.
I was quite lucky in that no-one threw my number and I was able to watch each one getting hurt in different ways.
The last round was to last two whole minutes. Some of the tasks were frankly sordid. The victim was certainly left keen on revenge. I got to fuck the Chinese with a strap-on, into which I put as much energy as I could muster, to pound it home and against her body, oblivious to the fact that she had been relatively restrained with me earlier. I could not escape unscathed though, as my butt got similarly treated by B – though she did at least take a lot of care to use lashings of lubricant and start gently as she prepared the passage. She didn't hold back for the last seconds however, meaning that I still had every intention to do nasty things to her large boobs as soon as I could.
One victim got pissed on, another dragged around the room by her boobs, two had an all our pussy destroying fight. I'll leave the other situations to your imagination, fairly sure that you will not get near to imagining all that happened. You might, however, realise that I came out of it pretty well and that most were hurting like hell and mad for revenge by the end of the round.
Before we were let loose against each other, the Supervisor repeated her pep-talk about needing to be fit for work on Monday! She also advised us against spending too long against any one adversary, especially if we wanted to leave our mark on them all. The fight would continue until five of us had voluntarily retired from the fray. Blows in general were outlawed, as was strangling, but most other things were allowed.
We all headed out into the fight area and I was immediately face to face with the Chinese. I had no real plan for her and she invited me to approach her. As I did she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards her. Before that she had raised her knee and so my crotch was pulled into hard contact with the knee. Had she struck me there with her knee, it wouldn't have been allowed, but her knee wasn't moving, so she was within the rules. I went down and, placing her foot on my crotch, she ground her heel into my delicate parts. There was no kick, so quite legal, and quite painful.
Taking her foot away she watched me curl up into a ball and then she walked calmly away. Not a good start!
As I lay there, I could feel that I was being watched. I looked up to see C just standing there waiting for me. Very kind of her, but perhaps not in the spirit of the occasion. I half climbed to my feet, watching her shuffle forward. Then I launched myself at that hairy mound covering that I had partially denuded earlier. Before she could say 'aahh', I had plucked a good handful more and taking advantage that her mouth was wide open, returned them by that orifice. She almost choked and I walked off. I rather felt she might not be overly kind with me later!
B with the large boobs had her back to me, but she turned quite quickly when I tapped her on the shoulder. Like everyone else I wanted to dig my fingers into the ample boob flesh she had on offer. I didn't get a chance as she crashed her boobs into mine, literally knocking me off my feet. She then used her boob weapon against my face, thudding those orbs into it with quite some power. Satisfied she wandered off leaving me dazed. Somehow I didn't seem to be getting my own way.
I slowly got back to my feet, unhindered by anyone else. Clearly I had been slow to realise that all the others had taken the supervisor's words to heart (this is Japan after all) and had decided to begin by marking their territory with each participant, one at a time. That meant that I should confront A and the Korean during this preliminary skirmish.
The choice was made for me by A, seeing me free, wandering over to where I had just climbed back to my feet. The last confrontation with her was when we had tested each others boobs, and I somehow thought she might seek to continue in that vein.
I decided to modify my usual head-first approach by being more subtle. I made as if I were aiming straight for her chest, claws outstretched. This encouraged her to prepare her hands to latch onto my boobs but, just when she thought to grab them, I shot sideways and round behind her. With her boobs nicely fitting in my hands, I pushed my knee up between her legs forcing them apart until I could feel her shaven pussy against my knee. Grinding my knee in, I also began to work her tits over. My position was precarious and couldn't have been maintained for too long, but given that I was planning to merely make a point, it didn't need to be.
A was strangely immobile, seemingly waiting for me to finish, rather than seeking to break free. I didn't prolong matters and finishing with a double nipple twist, I pushed her away.
The Korean, being Korean, knew nothing about Japanese etiquette. Without making her presence known she was waiting behind me and, as soon as I pushed A away, she swept my legs out from under me. Her butt landed on my head immobilising my arms, and leaving my upper body at her mercy.
Mercy was not on her agenda and she proceeded to show me her full repertoire of boob mangling with very painful effect. I decided there and then that I wouldn't quit until I had scarred her pussy in a way to ensure that she remembered me.
I do mention the notion of quitting as it was clear from the card-defined activities that the whole evening would be fairly extreme, painful and dangerous. I was determined to make my presence felt, but not to finish up crippled or in hospital. I had no delusions that I could beat each one with a hand tied behind my back. I would quit when I had achieved my objectives, if I could last that long.
Seemingly everyone had tested each of the others. Before we could continue the Supervisor called us to order and lined us up. She went down the line spraying our boobs and nether regions with an oily substance that calmed the hurt that most of us were already feeling and probably provided some protection from what was likely to follow.
The Supervisor announced that, rather than have a free for all, she would split us into pairs to begin with. After that we were free to attack as we wished. She kindly paired me with C who, by now, was virtually hairless between the legs and who had probably benefited from the calming oil more than anyone.
Each pair was dispatched to a different part of the floor, giving plenty of room between the pairings. There would be no stopping the action now, until only one was left.
Something told me that, by the end, I might not be ready for sex for a while, but I didn't have any lined up anyway! All the more reason to encourage me to ensure that none of the others could indulge either!
C and I faced off, looking each other in the eyes. You didn't need to be a mind reader to see that we both were thinking alike, how can we hurt the other as much as possible and as quickly as possible? My guess is that we both knew that the last stage wouldn't last very long and that there was little point in 'wasting' time trying to be defensive. My favourite strategy in a word.
Even as our bodies collided one hand was seeking out breast. Given that C was fairly flat chested, I went straight after her nipple. She preferred digging her fingers into my fuller breast and twisting. Our second hands which had sought to bring the bodies closer (in case one tried to pull away, ha ha!), quickly dropped between our legs there to target pussies. We grunted and groaned, all the while standing and savaging nipples and labia.
Trying too hard to improve access we finally fell to the floor. I managed to sit on C's midriff, giving me two-handed access to her sex (wrong word, to the reddening sexual organs that I was ripping into, and almost ripping off). My sex was too far for her to get at, so she attacked my bum and tried tearing my left tit off.
She pulled my hair and unseated me. I retaliated for what she had been doing by a finger up her anus and she squeezed my clit tightly between her fingers. We both jabbed fingers into the other's snatch, trying to scratch the inside (good job we had all been made to cut and file our nails).
My hair was pulled, but not by C, and two illegal punches landed on my pussy, presumably hidden from the supervisor's view by the tangle of bodies. Several punches were then thrown and of course I threw some back, smacking hard into A's tits, before the Supervisor called us to order. I could feel the impact of the punches I had taken on various parts of my body.
A's tits were still in range, so I slapped away at them (allowed) before she caught me on the cheek with one hell of a retaliatory slap that spun me away from those assaulting me. The Korean grabbed me round the neck with one arm and viciously savaged my nipple with the other, before someone pulled her off me.
C's reddened pussy was close to, so I trod on it and ground my foot into it – then poked it hard with my toes, feeling the big toe sink well within. My pussy was grabbed through my legs from behind and used to pull me down to the ground, where someone tried to sit on my face, partially cutting off my air flow. My teeth soon put paid to that and the person moved down my body I could see it was the Chinese girl, intent on my pussy, and leaving her posterior in the air. Even over all the noise I could hear her squeal when I digitally assaulted her bum, pulling the inside of the hole apart savagely.
She spun round intent on who knows what, but was attacked by A before she could and they fought on my body! Even though I was effectively held down, my hands were free and B's boobs were at last in range. The one I could see looked very battle scarred already, but I was not to be denied. She turned to face me, giving me access to both her boobs and, although she latched onto mine, nothing stopped me doing what I had been hoping to do since first she had stripped off. Judging by the state of her tits others had been there before me, but it was great to have all that breast flesh at my mercy.
To hell with the pain in my tits (because she didn't let me savage hers without replying), it was worth it and, what's more, the tussling A and the Chinese were too busy with each other, and leaving my pussy covered my them and unassaulted (at least for a while).
Time seemed to stop while I used my imagination on those boobs. With hindsight it was clear that B was mangling mine in much the same way, by concentrating on the boob itself. When she finally switched her attentions to my nipples, I was brought back to the real world and fought fire with fire. How it hurt!
B couldn't cope with the pain much more than I could and she flopped her tits over my face, trying to smother me. My teeth soon put paid to that but, even so, I think it more likely my fingers caused the blood I could see around one of her nipples after she pulled out of range, placed a hand on my face and pushed herself away.
A and the Chinese were still locked in combat on me. I could see some signs of injury around A's bum, so I made them worse, being at a loss to know what to do with my hands. She ignored me, but the two did move enough for me to free my legs.
B had gone after the Korean, who also seemed temporarily transfixed by B's boobs. Her pussy was unprotected so I enjoyed a brief session of causing the maximum pain to a foreigner that I had promised myself, but leaving myself foolishly unprotected. My bum soon felt the consequences as C took vicious revenge. I could feel a trickle of blood before she turned her attentions to my pussy, obliging me to wrap my arms around her face.
A and the Chinese, B and the Korean were all busy and so no-one disturbed me, as I effectively stopped C from breathing until I could feel the fight go out of her. Releasing one hand from around her face, I set to to try to rip her clit off. The combination was just too much. She probably quit a few seconds earlier but it took me a while to realise that she was trying to say something (muffled by my arm). I raked her pussy as hard as I could with the ends of my trimmed nails and lifted my arm to finally hear the surrender. One down!
I took a few-second breather before grabbing A's nipples from behind her. I had hoped the Chinese would continue to keep her occupied but, instead, she took the chance to pull away and get her breath back.
I pulled A down, thinking to try to repeat my successful manoeuvre against C, but A wasn't having it. We had a mad, frantic, damage-every-delicate-part-you-can grabbing session, on our knees, with our legs wide open. Too tired to defend, merely to attack.
The Chinese made the mistake of re-entering the fray by targeting A's rear end. In no time she was on her back with A laying across her face and my hands doing all the nasty things my imagination could conceive to her pussy. That was quickly two down.
I had less animosity against A than against the others and she seemed to feel much the same. Rather than try to eliminate each other we decided, without speaking, to target B and the Korean who were still trying to finish each other off. Maybe we should have left them to wearing each other down, but that was hardly the style of the event.
We pulled the Korean and B apart. If we had taken the time we would have seen the sorry state they were in, but we didn't (anyway who knows what state we were in?). We all four finished up on the floor, A and me to one side, the other two opposite us, with our eight legs in between. Ostensibly we fought with our legs to regain our positions, in reality we kicked out at those exposed crotches.
There was not a lot of force in those kicks but, with a little practise, A and I got quite good at crossing our legs, using one foot to open the other up, and the other to ram home. Of course we didn't escape unhurt, even if our opponents were less synchronised. We probably scored two direct hits for each one they scored but, as each foot that thudded into our pussies hurt, every kick that hit its target caused a surge of pain.
This silly game continued for a while until the Korean accepted two direct hits as the price for shuffling closer to A. With a foot against the others pussy, they held hands and pulled their bodies partially upwards. Kicking was replaced by grinding where neither had a tactical advantage.
B clearly decided that she didn't want a 50/50 situation and that she could best me by other means. She had in mind using her tits, but then so did I, and not in the same manner. To keep her tits away from being used as cudgels, I had to attack them all out, which I did. Stopped in her tracks, B quickly adapted to attack my softened up pussy as well as my tits.
On another day, having carte blanche to do what I wanted to those boobs would have been my idea of an ideal fight and, to be fair, I didn't pass up on the chance to make them rather less presentable. My body was hurting like hell and with her alternating between tits, and pulling and poking at my pubes, my pain threshold was being severely tested.
For once it was me who wanted out. I succeeded, but only by jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. I broke free from B and grabbed the Korean's hair to get her attention. She kindly gave up wrecking A to sort me out. For a couple of minutes we traded blows of all sorts (some quite against the rules). I was content that I had hurt her to the best of my ability, literally all over. I thought she would probably have a shiner in the morning to go with the cuts and scrapes that covered her body (it was a good job I couldn't see mine).
Then the lights seemed to go out, as she lay sideways on across my face. Her right hand traced down my body to force more pain from between my legs. Breathing became hard and I think I passed out. I didn't hear her ask me if I quit. I do remember her slapping my face to bring me round enough to force me to actually say that I surrendered and then the Chinese and C kindly pulled my body that no longer responded to my commands away from the battle zone.
My recollections of what followed are hazy, but have been added to with comments from the others, especially on Monday when we found excuses to go to the toilets two at a time to compare our wounds and to find that a bond had formed between us, and even with the Korean, despite all.
Had B and A thought to join together to eliminate the Korean there would at least have been a Japanese winner. They didn't and there wasn't. Three is an odd number, unless two combine, which they didn't. Harder and harder blows were exchanged, totally ignoring the rules. The Supervisor had evidently decided that an outcome took precedence over the rules, and she took no action to stop all that went on. One punch too many landed on A's pussy and she called a halt to her participation.
In no time the Korean had repeated her smothering trick that had worked on me and opened up quite a cut on one of B's nipples due to B's frantic efforts to get free before she was suffocated and the Korean was wrenching on the said nipple.
To be honest there was less blood spilled than might have been expected. No-one needed to see a doctor, the first-aid kit came into its own and generous helpings of that soothing oil were applied to large areas of our bodies.
Anywhere else that would have been all, but not in Japan. Paying a penalty for losing is part of our culture and there was no way the supervisor would allow us to leave without it.
We five losers were lined up, side by side, facing over chair backs, formed into something like a circle. The Korean was fitted with the strap-on, more oil was applied and she went from one to the next using the strap-on in the manner it was designed for. We were all instructed to play with our neighbours (often bloodied) boobs to stimulate them (ha ha!). The Korean milked the dangling tits of each one that she fucked.
After a few strokes in the first in the circle, she moved on to the second and so on, increasing the strokes once she got back to the girl she started with. No doubt the supervisor would have kept her at it until we each (rather improbably) came. Fortunately despite winning the Korean had taken as much punishment as each of us, and her energy levels were very low. After four rounds she claimed that the winner must have the privilege of being able to decide when to stop which argument the Supervisor grudgingly finished up accepting. She almost fainted from the exertion when she took the strap-on off. She also considerably improved her standing with us.
Having been given a guided tour of each of my adversaries damaged bodies on the Monday I was quite impressed with how we had managed to withstand all that had been meted out. We became jokingly referred to as 'the six savages' after that and woe behold anyone who tried to mess with one of us. The atmosphere at work improved greatly and the supervisor was given a merit award for improving her team's work rate.