Like a lot of the binary newsgroups (ASFW) carries a lot of Spam (unsolicited junk!) in the listings. One way people have found to combat the spam listings, is to look for subject header listings that start with "ASFW". Sim ilarily, when you go to post a message to the newsgroup, lead your message header with ASFW so that other can more easily find it. You might see it like so:
FROM: Seaking
SUBJECT: ASFW - F/F BackBreaker Pics DT401
This method makes it extrememly easy to dig out the pertinent subject matter messages. When you do reply, leave a part of the originator's message as a QUOTE so everyone knows what you are refering to... A message with only Yes Joe, you are right! leaves everyone and Joe probably wondering what you meant...
Joe>> I want to see more backbreaker pics!!
Yes Joe, you are right
NOTE There are legitimate Fem Fight businesses who regularily post to the newsgroup and for the most use the ASFW header as described earlier.
LURKERS: These are people who like to watch/read the happenings of a newsgroup without making their presence known. For each and every 'regular' who posts a pic or message in the newsgroup, there could be perhaps 1,000 lurkers out there enjoying the contents!? Once you feel confortable with the "character" of the newsgroup, jump right in and particpate! Just remember that it's an unregulated newsgroup (unmoderated) and that as soon as ya open yer yip yer open to comments from all sides! =) It's a fun gang that regularily participates and you should also have fun.